Online Family Resources Centre
Access helpful tips and information for caregivers and parents of children with disabilities.

Most Visited Online Resources Program & Services
A non-refundable tax credit that helps persons with disabilities or their supporting persons reduce the amount of income tax they may have to pay
Provides financial help to people with long-term physical disabilities for customized equipment, like wheelchairs and hearing aids, and may cover the cost of specialized supplies
Government funding programs, charitable organizations, recreation and housing funding sources and other financial resources that may be helpful to families.
Helps navigate community programs and services quickly and easily, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in over 150 languages in Ontario
Canada’s Lifestyle Magazine for people with disabilities
Social media technology platform for young people with disabilities to connect with each other and the world around them
AboutFace’s vision is the elimination of the stigma and discrimination encountered by individuals with a facial difference.
A health education website for children, youth and their caregivers
Learning hub has information on acute and chronic pain, including signs and symptoms, methods of assessment and the 3P approach to pain management
Kids Tipsheet developed by Holland Bloorview Family Support Specialists and Children’s Advisory Committee members.
Acceptance and Commitment Training at Holland Bloorview
Search, rate and filter for specific locations with the accessibility features you require, featuring an interactive map
List of accessible restaurants and spaces in Toronto
Provides information on accessible transportation and travel across Canada.
Receive either free admission or a discount for their support person at member movie theatres and attractions across Canada
Provides a range of inclusive and compassionate mental health and addiction services for racialized communities.
Holland Bloorview offers adapted recreation equipment for clients and families to borrow for up to two weeks for free.
AIDE Canada provides toolkits, webinars, articles, and infographics regarding disability rights and many other topics you may find helpful.
Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) recognizes that childhood cancer affects the whole family, not only the child who receives the diagnosis. SuperSibs is dedicated to comforting, encouraging and empowering siblings of children with cancer.
The Internet's largest, most comprehensive and trusted website for information on childhood apraxia of speech and children's speech and language topics: including evaluation, speech therapy, research and other childhood communication topic.
Aquatics and swim programs are offered 7 days a week to the general community serving infants to seniors.
A legal clinic that practices exclusively in disability rights law and advancing the equality rights, entitlements, fundamental freedoms and inclusion of persons with disabilities with low income in Ontario.
ASD FEED-Ed is an education platform designed by Holland Bloorview experts for the purpose of educating children, youth, parents, caregivers and healthcare professionals about feeding in autistic children.
ASO is Ontario's premier support hub for Autism Spectrum Disorder Level 1 (ASD1).
Provides financial support for low- to moderate-income families to cover some of the extra costs of caring for a child who has a severe disability
The Special Services at Home (SSAH) program assists families caring for a child with a developmental or physical disability. This tipsheet by the Family Support Team simplifies the application process and offers useful tips.
Provides financial help to people with long-term physical disabilities for customized equipment, like wheelchairs and hearing aids, and may cover the cost of specialized supplies
The augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) stream serves children and youth whose speech does not meet their daily communication needs, and who require tools and strategies to support their face-to-face and written communication.
Provides information and education, supporting research, and advocating for programs and services for the autism (ASD) community
As a teaching hospital, Holland Bloorview has an interdisciplinary team of autism experts in the areas of research, clinical care and teaching.
Resource for parents of children under the age of 12 or unvaccinated during COVID
For those who have Bell mobility Connect Everything or Unlimited Smartphone rate plans, there is a $20/month accessibility discount available.
Bereaved Families of Ontario is a province-wide organization dedicated to bereavement and loss of a loved one support through, peer support and mutual aid.
Offers a range of specialized services to those within the Deaf Community that require support, including include seniors’, those with developmental, physical, health, or mental health issues, infants and young children, and newcomers to Canada
BounceBack is a free skill-building program managed by the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA). It is designed to help adults and youth 15+ manage low mood, depression, anxiety, stress or worry.
The brain injury rehab team serves clients aged 3 months to 18 years who require rehabilitation following an acquired brain injury.
Tool kit for parents, teachers and students dealing with bullying and children with special needs.
TTC Wheel-Trans provides a safe and reliable transit option for persons with disabilities to travel with freedom and dignity.
Facilitates access to the resources people require to maintain and improve mental health and community integration, build resilience, and support recovery from mental illness
The Centralized equipment pool provides speech–generating devices, writing aids and related equipment to individuals with physical disabilities across Ontario.
CAMH provides a wide range of clinical care services for patients of all ages and families, with Access CAMH as your centralized point of contact.
A community-based resource organization run by people with disabilities, for people with disabilities, and includes programs and services that support empowerment and independence
To optimize the lifelong health and wellness of people with cerebral palsy and their families through high quality research, education and community programming.
Chai Lifeline Canada pairs ill children and their siblings with a “Big Sibling,” an older teenager or young adult. The Big and Little Siblings meet weekly to participate in social and recreational activities or to just to hang out.
Get a personalized list of services that might be available to you, like child care, employment support, housing support, money to pay for costs of daily living
Our team serves children and youth with communication difficulties and psychosocial/emotional challenges related to cleft lip and palate/craniofacial anomalies.
Using cutting-edge technology to support independent play in children and youth with severe disabilities
When equipment is prescribed for a client, the professional assists the client and their family to research the various funding options available to them and also assists with the completion of any necessary applications and supporting documentation.
The communication and writing aids service (CWAS) is provided in two streams: augmentative and alternative communication and writing aids.
As part of the Child Development Program, we provide community-based child development services.
An opportunity for students who have an intellectual disability to explore ideas for their future after high school, through mentorship
An association assisting people who have an intellectual disability and their families to lead the way in advancing inclusion in their own lives and in their communities.
A tax, benefits, trusts, and wills toolkit for Ontarians with disabilities
The Complex Continuing Care unit serves children and youth from birth to age 18 with complex medical needs or who have multi-system diseases.
This centre provides clinical services, education and resources, community outreach, and research focused on concussion in children and youth.
A virtual community dedicated to support for people who have an intellectual disability, their families and support networks that features accessible, self-directed access to valuable information and tools, and organized by age group
Questions and answers about vaccines for children under five years old.
Holland Bloorview’s dental specialists provide services to children and young adults with complex medical needs in two areas: the cleft lip and palate/craniofacial dental program and pediatric dentistry.
The access point for adult developmental services funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) in Ontario, which helps families with funding and connecting to services
The autism diagnostic hub at Holland Bloorview is part of the Child Development Program (CDP).
Our department is exploring ways to use digital technologies to improve the quality and efficiency of care.
Written by Lexin Zhang, for the Family Resource Centre.
A non-refundable tax credit that helps persons with disabilities or their supporting persons reduce the amount of income tax they may have to pay
Identification that allows adult attendants to travel with people that have permanent disabilities at no cost on participating Canadian coach operators or Via Rail
Toronto transit training to teach people 18 years of age and older with an Intellectual or Developmental Disability how to use public transit independently
The community outreach service comprises a team of early childhood education resource educators.
Infant development consultants support families in being active participants in their children’s care. Through an interprofessional approach, we provide opportunities for the optimal development of each child and family.
In the early years, building a strong foundation is the first step to ensuring that all children fulfill their individual potential.
Provides programs and services to children and youth with physical disabilities across Ontario, including funding, camps, and parenting information
The Easter Seals grant helps cover incontinence supply costs. This tipsheet offers tips for the application process.
A place where parents of children with physical disabilities can find information on school-related issues
Delivers respite and palliative care services to children and their families who are living with a life-limiting illness.
We help youth with disabilities connect with early work opportunities
Ontario’s publicly-funded child development and rehabilitation sector that include children's treatment centres across the province
Our program is composed of nursing, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and respiratory therapy externs.
Epilepsy Ontario is dedicated to promoting independence and optimal quality of life for children and adults living with seizure disorders.
These resources can help families start a conversation with their children about Coronavirus and/or COVID-19.
This tipsheet is a companion to the Holland Bloorview tipsheet 'Explaining COVID-19 and Coronavirus to Children' and includes information to help families and caregivers talk to their child or youth about COVID-19 vaccines.
Partner with families and communities to foster a life of belonging for children and youth with developmental disabilities, building meaningful relationships and valued roles.
The Extensive Needs Service program serves children and adolescents with urgent and extensive clinical and developmental needs as well as social vulnerabilities.
Helps to navigate mental health services, health and support in your community
Accessible overnight accommodations at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
helps people face a wide variety of life challengesthrough counselling, community development, advocacy and public education programs.
Counselling, community development, advocacy and public education programs
You can connect with others who might share your experiences. Please see our list below of groups that you can join.
FAMILY TIPSHEET: Emergency funding sources and access to basic necessities
FAMILY TIPSHEET: Fun and budget-friendly stay-at-home activities
FAMILY TIPSHEET: Helping your child thrive during virtual or in-person school
Family Tipsheet: Holiday Ideas for Connecting Virtually with Loved Ones
The process of creating an IEP (Individual Education Plan) is quite complicated, and it is sometimes hard to tell where and when to start being effectively involved.
Mental Health and Wellness Supports During the COVID-19 and Coronavirus Outbreak
This tipsheet is for anyone who may be looking for resources, programs or information on disability, sexuality, relationships and gender identity.
FAMILY TIPSHEET: Sample Daily Learning Schedule
FAMILY TIPSHEET: Supporting Siblings During the COVID-19 and Coronavirus Outbreak
FAMILY TIPSHEET: Tips for Creating a Learning Schedule at Home
The information provided in this tipsheet is for reference only. It is not intended as a recommendation or endorsement of organizations, news sources, policies or political parties, or as a comprehensive resource list. This tipsheet does not contain legal
A source of accurate, up-to-date Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) information for Ontario.
The Holland Bloorview feeding clinic serves children and youth with feeding and swallowing issues.
New and existing Fido Mobile customers with accessibility needs are eligible for a $10 monthly discount on all in-market postpaid mobile plans.
Designed to inspire young minds with imaginative play and encourage skill-building
Government funding programs, charitable organizations, recreation and housing funding sources and other financial resources that may be helpful to families.
For help with funding applications, see our Support Guide for a list of community partners offering clinics.
The CDCP is a program run through the federal government that supports with the cost of dental coverage for seniors, children and adults with disabilities
An educational and training platform for professionals and educators seeking to learn more about Autism and special needs.
This service is a rehabilitation program aimed at helping your child regain function and return to usual activities.
Harmony OnTrack Virtual Music Therapy Clinic offers virtual music therapy services for parents and caregivers within the Holland Bloorview community at no cost.
Podcasts on a variety of themes and topics to support and connect with children, youth and families living with disabilities.
A large international selection of books for and about young people with disabilities.
Provides resources and supports for inclusive education, including caregiver peer support.
A written plan that describes special education programs and/or services for a student
Our programs and 1:1 services provide leisure and hands-on learning opportunities in real world settings. Programs are available to inpatient clients of Holland Bloorview.
The Integrated Education and Therapy Program is a partnership between Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital and the Bloorview School Authority.
JobsAbility is connecting people who have a disability to employment opportunities. It is an innovative and accessible platform designed by and for job seekers who have a disability.
A free app that helps children with disabilities and their families to locate leisure opportunities that are close to where they are and accessible
Supports individuals, families, community agencies and professionals to help individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder realize opportunities for successful community inclusion
A virtual glossary for lots of easy-to-read definitions
A 24/7, national support service that offers professional counselling, information/referrals and volunteer-led, text-based support to young people in both English and French - via phone, mobile app or website
Kindercircle is a licensed daycare dedicated to serving children aged three to 30 months, offering a rich learning experience in a safe, warm and loving environment.
Provides specialized programs designed for people of all ages living with Learning Disabilities and/or ADHD
Candidates will learn to teach and evaluate basic swim strokes, and will acquire proven teaching methods including a variety of stroke development drills and correction techniques.
Interdisciplinary clinic focusing on supporting clients and families in the successful transition to adult services.
Mental health agency providing flexible and accessible services to youth, adults and their families
Medication resources for families
Provides a wide range of services to people with physical disabilities throughout Canada, including services, education , employment programs, and funding
Read about symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention for over 1000 diseases, illnesses, health conditions and wellness issues
Meta offers a wide spectrum of services and personalized supports to help people live in inclusive engaged and enriched lives in the community.
A network of agencies working together to provide single point access, coordinated intake and service delivery to children with special needs and their families.
Sign out a MAP Pass with your adult library card, and you and your family can get free admission to many Toronto museums and other cultural attractions.
Music and Arts programs at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital offer a wide range of year-round art and music programs for children and youth with disabilities and their siblings, up to the age of 21 years.
A centralized, online registration space for activities, classes, programs, workshops, respite and camps offered across Ontario
Online tool to manage SSAH and Passport funding
Provides free, professional relief and childcare for children 16 and under, for GTA-area mothers with cancer.
This handbook provides general information to help you navigate our neighbourhood during your stay with us!
The NDD Restrictive Eating Clinic is a new program dedicated to the assessment and treatment of severe restricted food intake including avoidant/restrictive food intake disorders (ARFID) for clients with neurodevelopmental disorders.
This Child Development team works with children who have neuromotor disorders.
The Holland Bloorview neuromuscular team provides care for clients with neuromuscular conditions.
This tipsheet highlights culturally specific organizations, legal, and employment resources
This tipsheet highlights general newcomer info, funding programs, and tax assistance for newcomers.
This tipsheets highlights good to know information for newcomers.
A form for individuals who, for medical reasons, cannot go to a ServiceOntario centre to have their photo or signature captured.
Parent fact sheets for school and education
A provincial not-for-profit, charitable organization. Its mission is to enhance the lives of those living with acquired brain injury.
The OCA Annual Camps Guide is your directory to Accredited Camps in Ontario
Provides income supports (financial assistance provided each month to help with the costs of basic needs) and employment supports (supports to help clients with disabilities find and keep a job)
Low-income customers can get up to $500 in emergency assistance for their electricity bills ($600 if your home is heated electrically) and $500 for their natural gas bills.
A non profit charitable organization dedicated to supporting people with cerebral palsy (CP) in Ontario
Government policies about a child's rights at school, in special education
Resource of Ontario professionals and parents interested in Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)
Interactive school roadmap to help parents navigate the system, explaining what the different processes mean and what they mean for your child.
Our team of Certified Orthotists and Registered Technicians work together to provide customized orthotic solutions that are designed and fabricated to support clients in achieving their functional goals.
Learn about Holland Bloorview's outdoor spaces as well as an indoor route for everyone to get some exercise and fresh air.
DISTANCE: 2.0-4.0km | Time: approximately 30-60 minutes
This guide is a compilation of research evidence and best practices to support parents in having positive conversations about weight-related issues with their children.
This route was designed for In-patient families to take a walk around the hospital for some exercise and a break.
This route was designed for Out-patient families to take a walk around the hospital for some exercise and a break.
Provides people with disabilities and their families with free resources and webinars to create meaningful lives and secure futures
Tips for parents about public education in up to 15 languages, including special education
Our Pharmacy is responsible for the safe and effective use of medications.
Canadian research on bullying
We offer clients a full range of services including assessment, prescription, custom manufacturing, training and repair.
This clinic serves clients with Autism Spectrum Disorders and complex medical and/or developmental disorders including epilepsy.
The Rare Diseases Foundation (RDF) aims to raise awareness for the multitude of rare diseases that exist today all over the world.
A savings plan that is intended to help parents and others save for the long term financial security of a person who is eligible for the disability tax credit
Respite provides temporary relief from the physical and emotional demands involved in caring for a child with a disability.
Respite Choices provides care to children, youth, and adults who live at home with their parent or caregiver.
Provides families, individuals and professionals with information and links to respite services in local communities across Ontario
These family resources share information about children with neurodevelopmental disorders and severe restricted food intake.
This Child Development team works with children who have typical and atypical Rett syndrome.
Designed to inspire young minds with imaginative play and encourage skill-building
Provides respite care for children with complex care needs while their family takes well-deserved time to recharge.
The SDR Program includes an assessment clinic, surgery and post-operative rehabilitation.
Permits that are issued to a person or business in order to park in an accessible parking space
A centralized, online hub that provides a range of resources for youth, parents and healthcare professionals to help talk about the topic of disability and sex.
lets one find out if a gas station has a staff member that can help you fuel up before you go there. The app shows a list of participating locations, you pick the one most convenient for you. fuelservice app calls them up and ask if they can help in the n
SibKits are booklets filled with interactive tools and tips for kids who have siblings with acquired brain injuries (ABI), disabilities, medical complexities or diagnoses.
Some tips on how to make the most of your experience when your sibling is an inpatient
Provides accessible free programs for infants, children, youth, caregivers and community professionals that focus on enhancing children’s social skills and supporting their emotional needs
Snoezelen rooms are artificially engineered spaces that use music, lighting, gentle vibrations, tactile sensations and aromatherapy. Users can relax and choose activities at their own pace.
A website which will provide basic information to understand and implement plans for the future of afamily member with a disability, including trusts, government funding and tax tips.
List of special needs camps in Ontario
Helps families pay for services in or outside the family home as long as the child is not receiving support from a residential program, such as respite and supports for personal growth and development
SSAH helps families care for children with disabilities. This tipsheet offers simple guidance for the application.
The specialized orthopedic and developmental rehab (SODR) team provides care to clients from birth to age 18 with a variety of musculoskeletal, developmental or neuromotor conditions.
Spina Bifida and Spinal Cord Injury Team uses an interprofessional, family-centred approach
Delivers service, support and advocacy for and with people with spinal cord injury, and helps clients connect with community resources all across Ontario
The spinal cord injury (SCI) inpatient program cares for children 0-18 years of age who have sustained either traumatic or non-traumatic spinal cord injuries.
The SMA intensive therapy program is a rehabilitation program aimed at helping children and youth with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) maximize their motor potential and participation in day to day activities when treated with genetic based treatments.
Spiral Garden is an integrated outdoor art, garden and play program.
The Canadian Stuttering Association is a national, volunteer-driven, not-for-profit organization that promotes awareness and understanding of stuttering and provides support and resources for people who stutter, their families and allies.
Sunflower Developmental Services is a Non-For-Profit organization. They operate a Day Program that is focused on providing support services to individuals with a developmental/intellectual delay.
The library provides resources in assisting persons with developmental disabilities of all ages, their caregivers, and professionals in areas of funding, service navigation, clinical, respite, community support and many others.
Tetra is a non-profit charity organization that recruits volunteer engineers and skilled trades people to design and construct unique assistive devices for individuals with disabilities with no cost for labour.
BIST provides programs and services to people living with the effects of brain injury and their families / caregivers.
Provides respite care for medically fragile children which provides a break to families facing the daily challenges of caring for a child with complex medical needs.
Support to children and their families facing mental health issues.
The IPRC decides whether the student is an exceptional pupil and, if so, what type of educational placement is appropriate
The Independence Program (TIP) is a 3-week overnight residential life skills development program for youth with disabilities ages 17-21 years old.
A tool for organizing your child's information
A safe, supportive community for people facing health challenges and the people who care for them, featuring stories and articles of lived experiences
A list of tips for inpatient families compiled from experience of previous inpatient families.
The Toronto ABI Network helps hospitals and community-based programs connect people with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) to the services they need. A recognized leader in ABI, we work to improve access to high quality, publicly funded ABI services and support
The LHIN is responsible for delivering home care services to citizens across the city, including health or personal support at home, at school and in the community
Intensive Support Programs (ISPs) at all grade levels are designed to support communities of exceptional (special needs) students who have similar behavioural, communication, intellectual, or physical needs.
Board Procedures that are related to Special Education, including 'Management Process for Risk-Of-Injury Behaviours', and 'Access to Schools by Third Party Professionals'
LEAP is a grant program that helps those who are struggling to pay past due bills or have already received a disconnection notice. It offers a maximum grant of $500 per household per year ($600 for electrically heated homes).
Search for programs and classes at your local library branch for children, youth and families
Accessibility information at the local libraries, including sign language interpretation, home library services, fine exemptions, and equipment to access books and content
This is a list of some sports, activities, hobbies, social groups and leisure programs that may be helpful to families.
Information on Parks and Recreation programs, accessibility, low cost progamming
Tourette Canada is dedicated to improving the lives of Canadians affected by Tourette Syndrome (TS) and associated conditions. We’re national in scope and volunteer-based.
A hub of information, programs and practical support for the transition-to-adulthood. Start exploring early, since resources apply to childhood, teen and young adult years.
A parenting and family support strategy. It aims to prevent severe behavioural, emotional and developmental problems in children by improving the knowledge, skills and confidence of parents.
A support person accompanying a person with a disability is not required to pay a fare when travelling on the TTC, with this card
Information about health rights for youth and activities that guide you through the processes related to your health rights.
A resource website, for caregivers of children aged 3–20 who have learning and attention needs
Created by: Communication and Writing Aids Services, Family Support Specialists & Collaborative Practice
Health & fitness centre facilities with over 100 programs for all ages and abilities
Passengers who cannot travel alone without a Support Person may travel with a companion capable of providing the required assistance.
Hosts Parent Support Initiatives to foster the organization and empowerment of the rare disease community
Free walk-in mental health counselling for children, youth, young adults and their families
A transportation option for persons with disabilities to travel throughout Toronto, as part of the TTC
Provides programs for childcare, after-school programs, tax clinics, newcomers, homeless and marginalized people, and job-seekers
Infographics use images and small amounts of text to share information in a way that is meaningful and easy to understand. A series of learning modules and resources have been created to help you and your child create your infographic.
Serves children who are able to speak, but cannot write with a pen or pencil and require technology to support their written communication.
A program for siblings and young caregivers
The youth engagement strategy provides youth leadership opportunities for current and former clients.
An online community that gives parents and caregivers easy access to used pediatric disability equipment.
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