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Submit your recognitions:

  1. Copy and pasting the below text into a blank email.
  2. Filling out the areas that apply.
  3. Emailing completed information to 
  4. (Optional) You can also show your appreciation by making a donation in their honour

Staff Name(s): 
(You can enter multiple names if you are recognizing a team of colleagues - each team member will receive their own certificate) 

  • (Name(s) here)

Team Name:
(Optional - if a team name is entered, this will also appear on the certificate) 

  • (Team name here)

Value Demonstrated (select/copy all that apply) 

Quality of Care 
Care is safe and based on the best evidence available. Staff are friendly and on time. 

We have a say and are heard. Our hopes, fears and anxieties are taken seriously, our privacy is protected, and we are not judged because of our differences. 

Information Sharing 
Information is shared with us as soon as possible, and our questions are answered honestly. We are informed of choices, risks and benefits of decisions, and when we have concerns, we are free to express these and will be heard. 

We know the names and roles of the members of our health care team, and they work together to support us while in care, through transitions and through difficult situations.
We are important members of the health care team, and our knowledge, expertise and opinions are valued. 

Tell us more:

  • (max ~200 words) 

Your Name (optional):

  • (Name here)

Would you like your name included on the Certificate? 

  1. Yes 
  2. No

Please copy and paste up to here and email to: or print and send to the Client & Family Relations team at:

Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital 
c/o Client & Family Relations
150 Kilgour Road 
Toronto, Ontario, Canada 
M4G 1R8

Patient Declaration of Values

View all values

Quality of Care

Care is safe and based on the best evidence available. Staff are friendly and on time. 

To achieve the value of Quality of Care staff: 

  • Take responsibility and do what they say they are going to do 
  • Provide an experience that is professional, dependable, and accessible 
  • Try to evaluate and improve the quality of care, programs, and services 
  • Look for the best and latest research to inform their practice and methods 
  • Work effectively and efficiently together as a team 
  • Are thoughtful about challenges, explore new ideas and develop creative solutions 


We have a say and are heard. Our hopes, fears and anxieties are taken seriously, our privacy is protected, and we are not judged because of our differences. 

To achieve the value of respect staff: 

  • Listen to understand our needs and concerns 
  • Recognize the important role everyone plays 
  • Are open, honest and explain their recommendations 
  • Are fair, supportive, flexible and willing to help each other 
  • Respect our culture, and are sensitive to my family’s ways and needs 
  • Offer choices and options about approaches to care and support 

Information Sharing

Information is shared with us as soon as possible, and our questions are answered honestly. We are informed of choices, risks and benefits of decisions, and when we have concerns, we are free to express these and will be heard. 

To achieve the value of information sharing staff: 

  • Communicate clearly and often 
  • Are fair, provide honest information, and protect our rights 
  • Provide information to help us to make choices and participate in our family’s care 
  • Share information openly and respectfully 
  • Are available to talk about and explain our care plan 


We know the names and roles of the members of our health care team, and they work together to support us while in care, through transitions and through difficult situations. We are important members of the health care team, and our knowledge, expertise and opinions are valued. 

To achieve the value of partnerships staff: 

  • Recognize our diverse strengths and abilities 
  • Are open to our ideas and input 
  • Make sure we have a voice in our care and understand what is expected 
  • Work together as a team and resolve issues in a direct and timely way 
  • Encourage our involvement and value our unique knowledge and experience 

Additional Information

If you have any questions about your donation in honour of a staff member or care team, please contact:
Polliana Mendonca
Senior Coordinator, Annual Programs
416-425-6220 ext. 3710

Holland Bloorview is committed to excellent care for all. If you have any concerns, we encourage you to contact Client & Family Relations.

Kimberley Siu-Chong, client and family relations facilitator


Please call Appointment Services at 416-424-3823 if you have a question or information to share about an appointment.

Mailing address

Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital 
c/o Client & Family Relations
150 Kilgour Road 
Toronto, Ontario, Canada 
M4G 1R8