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Services for families with children 0-6 years

Preschool Services:

Families can Register for free Speech and Language Services if child is not in Kindergarten 

EarlyON Child and Family Centres offer free, high-quality programs for families and children from birth to 6 years old. 

Encourage families to Register for daycare in your area and ask for a resource consultant / early interventionist to help with programming and support.

Resources for Teens

Sex Information and education Council of Canada (sieccan): Sex education resources for autistic youth can be accessed at the link below:

Autistic youth resources for educators, health professionals and the public


Recommendations for newly diagnosed autistic teens from our ECHO Autism lived experience hub team member:

Autism Organizations and Autism Resources

General Resources:

Have families connect with Autism Ontario where they can learn about autism and connect with their local Autism Ontario community for events and support.

The Autism Ontario Video Resource Library also has many videos on a wide variety of topics.

Autism Ontario Learning Resources  contains toolkits and information on a variety of autism topics. Some of these resources are also translated into different languages.

Advocacy Toolkit for Parents of Children and Youth with ASD developed by family leaders at Holland Bloorview is free to download. The toolkit reviews how to apply effective advocacy skills in different situations (school, healthcare system, community) throughout childhood and teen years.