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Employment for youth with disabilities impacts both our youth and our communities. A major barrier to connecting youth with disabilities to meaningful employment is a lack of public funding to support employment preparation programs. On this page, we have included information and materials to help advocate for funding and access to employment experience programs for Ontario high school students with disabilities.

Funding advocacy resources: Project SEARCH model

For sites operating or seeking to operate a Project SEARCH Ontario program, we have gathered information to support your advocacy efforts in your own community. Information regarding the Project SEARCH program can be found at this site. Please feel free to use the resources and tools below in your advocacy work. 

Background information:

To best prepare yourself with information about the program and funding needs, review and share the information below.

Advocacy tools:

Feel free to use and customize these downloadable tools for your own advocacy and presentations.

External tools:

We encourage those interested to review some of the available tools to help with their advocacy efforts.

Publications outlining the Project SEARCH Model and it’s effectiveness:

The CERIC Advocacy Playbook (PDF) provides tools and tactics for advocating for employment equity in Ontario.

Funding advocacy resources: Youth employment programs (general)

For anyone running or seeking to operate a youth employment program, we have gathered information to support your advocacy efforts in your own community. If you are seeking additional information regarding the Holland Bloorview’s Employment Pathways programs, please visit this site. Please feel free to use the resources and tools below in your advocacy work. 

Background information:

To best prepare yourself with information about youth employment programs and funding needs, review and share the information below.

Advocacy tools:

Feel free to use and customize these downloadable tools for your own advocacy and presentations.

External tools:

We encourage those interested to review some of the available tools to help with their advocacy efforts. One tool that we recommend is the CERIC Advocacy Playbook (PDF), which provides tools and tactics for advocating for employment equity in Ontario.