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Play and Learn nursery school site


Now Accepting Registrations 


"We firmly hold, as a primary value, the right of all children to find and organize their own strategy for developing and reaching knowledge. Our obligation is to figure out ways to encourage that development." C. Edwards, L. Gandini, G. Forman (Eds.). The Hundred Languages of Children: The Reggio Emilia approach—advanced reflections (2nd ed.) Greenwich CT. ABLEX.

We believe that learning opportunities come from experience. We recognize that growth is dependent upon individual learning styles and through experiential play based on multi-sensory activities – each child has the freedom to make the experience his or her own. We provide structured and non-structured environments that are fun and interesting.

If your child has special needs, the consultative therapy team enhances the group program and includes support service from a physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech language pathologist, and communicative disorders assistant. This multidisciplinary team supports both teachers and families in the analysis of each child’s needs. The team plans, develops, and consults in the implementation of each child’s individual and program goals.

The Play and Learn nursery school site operates from September to June.

Contact Us
Silvia Souto