Programs & Services
Learn about the various programs and services that we offer at Holland Bloorview.

Learn about inpatient care, including the referral process, admissions criteria and preparing for your stay.
Learn about outpatient services, including tips to prepare for your appointment and visit.
Inclusion Programs
The Inclusion Programs collaborate broadly to improve quality of life and bring joy to children and youth with disabilities and their families.
For current clients
Information on interpreter services, childcare, spiritual care, therapeutic clowns and virtual appointments.
Acceptance and Commitment Training at Holland Bloorview
Holland Bloorview offers adapted recreation equipment for clients and families to borrow for up to two weeks for free.
Aquatics and swim programs are offered 7 days a week to the general community serving infants to seniors.
The augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) stream serves children and youth whose speech does not meet their daily communication needs, and who require tools and strategies to support their face-to-face and written communication.
As a teaching hospital, Holland Bloorview has an interdisciplinary team of autism experts in the areas of research, clinical care and teaching.
The brain injury rehab team serves clients aged 3 months to 18 years who require rehabilitation following an acquired brain injury.
The Centralized equipment pool provides speech–generating devices, writing aids and related equipment to individuals with physical disabilities across Ontario.
Our team serves children and youth with communication difficulties and psychosocial/emotional challenges related to cleft lip and palate/craniofacial anomalies.
Using cutting-edge technology to support independent play in children and youth with severe disabilities
When equipment is prescribed for a client, the professional assists the client and their family to research the various funding options available to them and also assists with the completion of any necessary applications and supporting documentation.
The communication and writing aids service (CWAS) is provided in two streams: augmentative and alternative communication and writing aids.
As part of the Child Development Program, we provide community-based child development services.
The Complex Continuing Care unit serves children and youth from birth to age 18 with complex medical needs or who have multi-system diseases.
This centre provides clinical services, education and resources, community outreach, and research focused on concussion in children and youth.
Holland Bloorview’s dental specialists provide services to children and young adults with complex medical needs in two areas: the cleft lip and palate/craniofacial dental program and pediatric dentistry.
The autism diagnostic hub at Holland Bloorview is part of the Child Development Program (CDP).
Our department is exploring ways to use digital technologies to improve the quality and efficiency of care.
The community outreach service comprises a team of early childhood education resource educators.
Infant development consultants support families in being active participants in their children’s care. Through an interprofessional approach, we provide opportunities for the optimal development of each child and family.
In the early years, building a strong foundation is the first step to ensuring that all children fulfill their individual potential.
We help youth with disabilities connect with early work opportunities
Our program is composed of nursing, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and respiratory therapy externs.
The Extensive Needs Service program serves children and adolescents with urgent and extensive clinical and developmental needs as well as social vulnerabilities.
Accessible overnight accommodations at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
The Holland Bloorview feeding clinic serves children and youth with feeding and swallowing issues.
Designed to inspire young minds with imaginative play and encourage skill-building
This service is a rehabilitation program aimed at helping your child regain function and return to usual activities.
Our programs and 1:1 services provide leisure and hands-on learning opportunities in real world settings. Programs are available to inpatient clients of Holland Bloorview.
The Integrated Education and Therapy Program is a partnership between Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital and the Bloorview School Authority.
Kindercircle is a licensed daycare dedicated to serving children aged three to 30 months, offering a rich learning experience in a safe, warm and loving environment.
Candidates will learn to teach and evaluate basic swim strokes, and will acquire proven teaching methods including a variety of stroke development drills and correction techniques.
Interdisciplinary clinic focusing on supporting clients and families in the successful transition to adult services.
Music and Arts programs at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital offer a wide range of year-round art and music programs for children and youth with disabilities and their siblings, up to the age of 21 years.
The NDD Restrictive Eating Clinic is a new program dedicated to the assessment and treatment of severe restricted food intake including avoidant/restrictive food intake disorders (ARFID) for clients with neurodevelopmental disorders.
This Child Development team works with children who have neuromotor disorders.
The Holland Bloorview neuromuscular team provides care for clients with neuromuscular conditions.
Our team of Certified Orthotists and Registered Technicians work together to provide customized orthotic solutions that are designed and fabricated to support clients in achieving their functional goals.
Our Pharmacy is responsible for the safe and effective use of medications.
We offer clients a full range of services including assessment, prescription, custom manufacturing, training and repair.
This clinic serves clients with Autism Spectrum Disorders and complex medical and/or developmental disorders including epilepsy.
Respite provides temporary relief from the physical and emotional demands involved in caring for a child with a disability.
This Child Development team works with children who have typical and atypical Rett syndrome.
Designed to inspire young minds with imaginative play and encourage skill-building
The SDR Program includes an assessment clinic, surgery and post-operative rehabilitation.
Snoezelen rooms are artificially engineered spaces that use music, lighting, gentle vibrations, tactile sensations and aromatherapy. Users can relax and choose activities at their own pace.
The specialized orthopedic and developmental rehab (SODR) team provides care to clients from birth to age 18 with a variety of musculoskeletal, developmental or neuromotor conditions.
Spina Bifida and Spinal Cord Injury Team uses an interprofessional, family-centred approach
The spinal cord injury (SCI) inpatient program cares for children 0-18 years of age who have sustained either traumatic or non-traumatic spinal cord injuries.
The SMA intensive therapy program is a rehabilitation program aimed at helping children and youth with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) maximize their motor potential and participation in day to day activities when treated with genetic based treatments.
Spiral Garden is an integrated outdoor art, garden and play program.
The Independence Program (TIP) is a 3-week overnight residential life skills development program for youth with disabilities ages 17-21 years old.
A hub of information, programs and practical support for the transition-to-adulthood. Start exploring early, since resources apply to childhood, teen and young adult years.
Serves children who are able to speak, but cannot write with a pen or pencil and require technology to support their written communication.
The youth engagement strategy provides youth leadership opportunities for current and former clients.
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