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Our executive leadership team at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital is comprised of a small group of dedicated professionals, responsible for overseeing and administering our day-to-day operations. This team is guided by a volunteer board of directors that oversees the governance of our organization.

Executive Leadership Team
Dr. Evdokia Anagnostou
Vice President of Research and Director of the Bloorview Research Institute, Child neurologist
Golda Milo-Manson Vice-President, Medicine and Academic Affairs
Vice-President, Medicine and Academic Affairs
Enza Dininio Chief Financial Officer
Vice President, Corporate Performance, Digital Health Innovation and Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Irene Andress
Vice-President, Programs & Services and Chief Nursing Executive (CNE)
Joanne Maxwell
Vice president, experience, transformation and social accountability (ETSA)
Julia Hanigsberg smiling and sitting in her office. She is wearing a blue blazer and her green Holland Bloorview staff lanyard.
President and CEO, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
Sandra Hawken
President and CEO, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation
Stewart Wong Vice-President, Communications, Marketing and Advocacy
Vice President, Communications, Strategy and Sustainability
Tracey Millar Chief People and Culture Officer
Vice President, People and Culture