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Scratch, S., Shore, J., DuPlessis, D., Lovell, A., Hickling, A., Gill, P., Mallory, K., Lam, E., Hotze, F., Zemek, R., Emery, C., Schneider, K., Hutchison, M., Gagnon, I., Caron, J., Reed, N., & Biddiss, E. (2024). Return-to-Play With R2Play: Protocol for Evaluating Cross-Site Feasibility, Face Validity, and Content Validity of a Multidomain Concussion Assessment Tool for Youth. doi:

Sheldrake, E., Nishat, E., Wheeler, A. L., Goldstein, B. I., Reed, N., & Scratch, S. E. (n.d.). Functional network disruptions in youth with concussion using the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development study. Brain Injury, 0(0), 1–12.

Al-Hakeem, H., Hickling, A., Mallory, K. D., Lovell, A., Bardikoff, T., Provvidenza, C., Lam, B., Knapp, B., Miller, C., & Scratch, S. E. (2024). Move&Connect-Caregivers: A virtual group intervention for caregivers of youth experiencing persisting symptoms after concussion. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 27(7), 217–227.

Mallory, K. D., Al-Hakeem, H., Alam, S., Brassel, S., Isaacs, T., Basarke, S., Hooper, M., Hickling, A., & Scratch, S. E. (2024). Evaluating iSibWorks: A virtual cognitive-behavioural intervention for siblings of children with disabilities. PEC Innovation, 5, 100326.

Provvidenza, C. F., Al-Hakeem, H., Ramirez, E., Rusyn, R., Kingsnorth, S., Marshall, S., Mallory, K., & Scratch, S. E. (2024). Exploring the adaptability of TeachABI as an online professional development module for high school educators. PEC Innovation, 4, 100299.

Scratch, S. E., Mallory, K. D., Al-Hakeem, H., Lovell, A., Moody, K., Lam, B., Brazill, L., Knapp, P., & Hickling, A. (2024). Move&Connect-Youth: A Virtual Group Intervention for Youth Experiencing Persisting Symptoms After Concussion. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 0(0), 1–12.

Drake, M., Scratch, S. E., Jackman, A., Scheinberg, A., Wilson, M., & Knight, S. (2024). Adapting TeachABI to the local needs of Australian educators – a critical step for successful implementation. Brain Impairment, 25(2).

Nishat, E., Scratch, S. E., Ameis, S. H., & Wheeler, A. L. (2024). Disrupted Maturation of White Matter Microstructure After Concussion Is Associated With Internalizing Behavior Scores in Female Children. Biological Psychiatry.


Saly, L., Provvidenza, C., Al-Hakeem, H., Hickling, A., Stevens, S., Kakonge, L., Hunt, A. W., Bennett, S., Martinussen, R., & Scratch, S. E. (2023). The Teach-ABI Professional Development Module for Educators About Pediatric Acquired Brain Injury: Mixed Method Usability Study. JMIR Human Factors, 10:e43129
doi: 10.2196/43129

Wade, S. L., Walsh, K., Slomine, B. S., Davis, K. C., Heard, C., Maggard, B., Sutcliffe, M., Van Tubbergen, M., McNally, K., Deidrick, K., Kirkwood, M. W., Lantagne, A., Ashman, S., Scratch, S., Chesley, G., Johnson-Kerner, B., Johnson, A., Cirincione, L., Austin, C. (2023). Widespread clinical implementation of the teen online problem-solving program: Progress, barriers, and lessons learned. Front. Rehabil. Sci. 3:1089079. doi:


Lambert, M., Sheldrake, E., Deneault, A., Wheeler, A., Burke, M., & Scratch, S. E. (2022). Depressive Symptoms in Individuals With Persistent Postconcussion Symptoms: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. JAMA Network Open, 5(12):e2248453. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.48453

Saly, L., Marshall, S. A., Mallory, K. D., Hunt, A. W., Kakonge, L., Provvidenza, C., Hickling, A., Stevens, S. A., Bennett, S., & Scratch, S. E. (2022). Pediatric acquired brain injury resources for educators: a multi-year scan of Canadian-relevant internet resources. Brain Injury. doi: 10.1080/02699052.2022.2158230

Lam, E., DuPlessis, D., Hutchison, M., Scratch, S. E., & Biddiss, E. (2022). Validation of the Polar H10 Accelerometer in a Sports-Based Environment. Engineering Proceedings, 27, 71. doi:

DuPlessis, D., Lam, E., Xie, L., Reed, N., Wright, F. V., Biddiss, E., & Scratch, S. E. (2022). Multi-domain assessment of sports-related and military concussion recovery: A scoping review. Physical Therapy in Sport, 59,103-114. doi:

DuPlessis, D., Lam, E., Hotze, F., Khan, A., Al-Hakeem, H., McFarland, S., Hickling, A., Hutchison, M., Wright, F. V., Reed, N., Biddiss, E., & Scratch S. E. (2022). R2Play development: Fostering user-driven technology that supports return-to-play decision-making following pediatric concussion. Front. Rehabilit. Sci. 3:1051579. doi:

Sheldrake, E., Lam, B., Al-Hakeem, H., Wheeler, A. L, Goldstein, B. I.,  Dunkley, B. T., Ameis, S., Reed, N., &  Scratch S. E. (2022). A Scoping Review of Magnetic Resonance Modalities Used in Detection of Persistent Postconcussion Symptoms in Pediatric Populations. Journal of Child Neurology. doi:  

Hickling, A., Mah, K., Al-Hakeem, H., & Scratch, S. E. (2022). Exploring the experiences of youth with persistent post-concussion symptoms and their families with an interprofessional team-based assessment. Journal of Interprofessional Care, doi: 

Sheldrake, E., Al-Hakeem, H., Lam, B., Goldstein, B. I., Wheeler, A. L., Burke, M., Dunkley, B. T., Reed, N. & Scratch, S. E. (2022). Mental Health Outcomes Across the Lifespan in Individuals With Persistent Post-Concussion Symptoms: A Scoping Review. Frontiers in Neurology, 706. doi:


Phoenix, M., Kingsnorth, S., Hamdani, Y., Ballantyne, M., Scratch, S. E., Pezzullo, S., Reitzel, M., Albin, M., Popov, N., Kirubainathan, L., & King, G. (2021). A Systematic Review to Identify Screening Tools and Practices that Can Be Used by Children’s Rehabilitation Service Providers to Screen Parents’ Mental Health. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 1-9. doi:

Agnihotri, S., Penner, M., Mallory, K. D., Xie, L., Hickling, A., Joachimides, N., Widgett, E. & Scratch, S. E. (2021). Healthcare utilization and costs associated with persistent post-concussive symptoms. Brain Injury35(11), 1382-1389. doi:

Stevens, S. A., Provvidenza, C., Zheng, S., Agnihotri, S., Hunt, A., & Scratch, S. E. (2021). Understanding the needs of Ontario educators in supporting students with acquired brain injury in the classroom. Journal of school health91(4), 285-290. doi:

Cermak, C., Scratch, S., Reed, N., Kakonge, L., & Beal, D. (2021). Effects of Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury on Verbal IQ: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 1-13. doi: 10.1017/S1355617721001296

Cermak, C. A., Scratch, S. E., Kakonge, L., & Beal, D. S. (2021). The effect of childhood traumatic brain injury on verbal fluency performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Neuropsychology review31(1), 1-13. doi:

Toong, T., Wilson, K. E., Hunt, A. W., Scratch, S., DeMatteo, C., & Reed, N. (2021). Sensitivity and specificity of a multimodal approach for concussion assessment in youth athletes. Journal of sport rehabilitation30(6), 850-859. doi:

Nishat, E., Stojanovski, S., Scratch, S. E., Ameis, S. H., & Wheeler, A. L. (2021). Premature white matter microstructure in female children with a history of concussion. medRxiv. doi:

Stojanovski, S., Scratch, S. E., Dunkley, B. T., Schachar, R., & Wheeler, A. L. (2021). A systematic scoping review of new attention problems following traumatic brain injury in children. Frontiers in neurology12. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2021.751736

Cermak, C. A., Scratch, S. E., Reed, N. P., & Beal, D. S. (2021). Language performance within three months of early childhood traumatic brain injury. Journal of pediatric rehabilitation medicine14(3), 389-399. doi: 10.3233/PRM-200795


Zhang, J., Safar, K., Emami, Z., Ibrahim, G. M., Scratch, S. E., da Costa, L., & Dunkley, B. T. (2020). Local and large-scale beta oscillatory dysfunction in males with mild traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neurophysiology124(6), 1948-1958. doi:

Scratch, S. E., Stevens, S. A., King, G., Schwellnus, H., Searl, N., & McPherson, A. C. (2020). Mental health care in pediatric rehabilitation hospitals: A biopsychosocial, collaborative, and agency-based service integration approach. Developmental Neurorehabilitation23(6), 359-367. doi:

Haebich, K. M., Willmott, C., Scratch, S. E., Pascoe, L., Lee, K. J., Spencer-Smith, M. M., ... & Anderson, P. J. (2020). Neonatal brain abnormalities and brain volumes associated with goal setting outcomes in very preterm 13-year-olds. Brain Imaging and Behavior14(4), 1062-1073. doi:

Hunt, B. A., Scratch, S. E., Mossad, S. I., Emami, Z., Taylor, M. J., & Dunkley, B. T. (2020). Disrupted visual cortex neurophysiology following very preterm birth. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging5(10), 951-960. doi:

Hunt, A. W., Agnihotri, S., Sack, L., Tint, A., Greenspoon, D., Gauvin-Lepage, J., ... & Scratch, S. (2020). Mood-related changes in children and adolescents with persistent concussion symptoms following a six-week active rehabilitation program. Brain injury34(8), 1068-1073. doi:

Hickling, A., Mallory, K. D., Wilson, K. E., Del Fernandes, R., Fuselli, P., Reed, N., & Youth Concussion Awareness Network (You-CAN) Team (2020). The youth concussion awareness network (You-CAN) - a school-based peer-led intervention to improve concussion reporting and social support: the protocol for a cluster randomized trial. BMC public health20(1), 186.


Scratch, S. E., Rumney, P., Agnihotri, S., & Reed, N. (2019). Pediatric concussion: Managing persistent symptoms with an interdisciplinary approach. The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation34(6), 385-393. doi: 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000542

Cermak, C. A., Scratch, S. E., Reed, N. P., Bradley, K., de Launay, K. L. Q., & Beal, D. S. (2019). Cognitive communication impairments in children with traumatic brain injury: A scoping review. The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation34(2), 13-20. doi: 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000419

Dawson, J., Ledoux, A. A., Provvidenza, C., Paniccia, M., Tataryn, Z., Sampson, M., ... & Yeates, K. (2019). Living guideline for diagnosing and managing pediatric concussion.