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Quiet Swim

Quiet Swim provides time for adults who have a disability or a medical need to use warm water and have a leisurely swim.

Quiet swim

This program provides time for adults who have a disability or a medical need to use warm water, to come in with their spouses/friends and have a leisurely swim, do their own exercises or just enjoy a relaxed social time in a warm pool. Equipment other than adapted lifejackets will not be loaned out – please bring your own equipment. Passes will not be accepted at this time, you must register and pay in advance. Drop ins are not accepted. 

Dates and Times: 

Mondays                 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. (March 24- June 23)

Pool Closures on Monday May 19, 2025


$4.00 plus HST per person (a processing fee applies). Each person in attendance counts as a visit. 

Attendants: If the adults requires support/supervision in the pool, or who need assistance getting into or out of the pool, only register the adult for the swim then add attendant’s name when prompted.

How to Register: 

Visit and click on the link to “Register for our Programs”. From the Online Registration page click on “Create an Account” to sign up for your online account.  Enter your information first and then click on “Create account and add family Member” to add any additional family members. Please be sure to check off the two boxes “Periodic emails and mail updates” to receive future communication regarding program information. Registration will open every Tuesday morning at 9:00am with a new block of swim times for the upcoming week.  

As an enhanced security measure, customers creating "New Accounts" will receive an email after setting up their account to verify their email address in order to activate the account. Once an account is created, Search for the program name ‘Quiet Swim’ and register each person who will be attending the swim. Pay for the program on the secure registration page (Visa, MasterCard, American Express are accepted) in order to complete your registration.  You will receive an email confirming your enrolment. 

Pool Temperature

Water temperature in pools can fluctuate throughout the day in response to a number of unpredictable variables such as chemical and water levels and bather load. Participants can expect an average temperature of 92°, with variation slightly above or below this target being possible.

Feeling Unwell?

Holland Bloorview continues to use a passive screening. If you are experiencing ANY symptoms (no matter the illness), have had an exposure to COVID or are pending a COVID swab please do not come to the pool.  If you feel unwell, please call the pool office (x3063) to withdraw from the swim before it starts, we will be happy to credit your account for next time.

Pool Contact Information
Pool Contact Information