Holland Bloorview’s corporate services and finance department is responsible for the overall financial management of the hospital. Although the majority of Holland Bloorview’s services are covered through OHIP, we do have a number of fee-based services which include: therapy supplies, phone rental, accommodation, respite stays, recreation and creative art programs, Snoezelen programs, prosthetics, orthotics, communication and writing aids and dental/cleft lip services. The finance department can arrange payment for supplies or services you have received here by: mail, phone, internet or in-person. Most bill payments can be made directly in the department that you received services or supplies. In addition, finance can also accept in-person payments with cash, credit card, interact or personal cheque. They are open Monday to Friday 8 am to 5 pm and available to answer your hospital related billing questions.
Corporate Services and Finance
Level 5 | 5W180 | Elevator button 5R

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