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At Holland Bloorview, we use simulation to allow health care providers the opportunity to recreate challenging situations and to learn from these experiences in a safe and controlled environment. As leaders in simulation in paediatric rehab, we are always looking for ways to expand simulation within the medical community. Our goal is to use simulation to significantly reduce harm in paediatric rehabilitation in the next 10 years.

We have been using simulation at Holland Bloorview in nursing, patient safety and in organizational procedures such as mock codes. We officially launched an expanded simulation program in March of 2012, and have integrated this cutting edge practice into a number of projects and initiatives.

Interested in accessing simulations?

Completing the license agreement is required before accessing the simulations.

Our community partners

We are fortunate to be part of a wonderful simulation community and would not be able to build and use simulation here without the following organizations:


For further information on simulation activities, please contact:

Elizabeth Dunphy
Mailing address

Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital 
150 Kilgour Road 
Toronto, ON M4G 1R8