Funding categories: the limit is up to $1500* for the year
1. Client Safety
These items try to reduce the client’s immediate safety concerns at home, at school, on transit, and to their overall health.
*Items may be considered for Up to $1500 transaction
Equipment (Maximum of $1500)
Equipment funding may be considered up to $2000 if costs exceed $1500 for a single transaction. You may not request over $1500 by combining multiple transactions/receipts. For example, if an item costs $1800, you may apply for $1800. If an item costs $2400, you may apply for $2000. If you purchased on item for $1000 and another item at a different vendor for $800, you may only apply for $1500.
What items qualify (please note this is not an exhaustive list):
- Wheelchairs, back-up wheelchairs, walkers, standers, mobility aids (e.g. lap belts, canes)
- AFO’s, serial castings, limb prosthetics, foot orthotics (inserts)
- Splints, hand braces, helmets, gait belts
- Lifts, access ramps, transfer boards
- Commodes, catheterization equipment
- Bathing systems
- Suction machine, oxygen machine, other respiratory devices (e.g. BiPAP)
- Feeding pumps
- Hearing aids, specialized vision aids (specialized glasses, magnifiers and other optical aids)
- Hospital mattresses, special car seats
- Communication devices, writing aids
- Sensory equipment
- Adapted shoes
- Accessibility modifications for vehicle or home (Note: The cost of vehicles or home building materials/repairs is not covered)
Documentation Needed:
- Support letter from: Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Prescriber, Nurse, or Physician
- Quote or invoice from the chosen company (can be a screenshot from the website or a receipt)
- If you are eligible for insurance, please provide a document indicating the outstanding balance
Medication - Prescribed (Maximum of $500; Deflazacort up to $1500)
What items qualify:
- Prescription medications (not over-the-counter) with an assigned Drug Insurance Number (DIN) that are not covered by OHIP or medical insurance.
- Medication not covered by OHIP Plus that is critical for your child’s health
Documentation Needed:
- Support letter from: Nurse Practitioner or Physician
- Actual medication prescription (from the physician or nurse practitioner prescribing the medication)
- Quote or invoice from the pharmacy (a receipt is acceptable)
- If you are eligible for insurance, please provide a document indicating the outstanding balance
2. Wellness and quality of life
These items/services are to reduce possible risk of harm through supporting caregiver needs, enhancing social activities, and improving recreation. Services and programs can enhance your child’s quality of life and provide caregiver relief.
Recreation (Maximum of $500)
What items qualify:
Recreational programs (not therapy-based) such as social programs, sports, summer camps, art programs, and social activities.
Documentation Needed:
- Support letter from: Social Worker, Psychotherapist, Therapeutic Recreation Staff, Physiotherapist, Psychologist, Youth Worker Staff, Nurse, or Physician
- Quote or invoice for the program (a screenshot from the website or receipt is acceptable)
Respite/Childcare: at home or at camp (Maximum of $1000)
What items qualify:
- Respite at a known respite facility (including Holland Bloorview) or agency e.g. 1:1 care. (camp costs and nursing are not covered)
- Respite provided by a non-agency worker (e.g., family caregiver who is not parent or guardian)
- Respite worker needs to be age 18 or over
- 1:1 support provided to a client attending a camp program
- Respite services provided to the client at home by a recognized organization offering respite care
Documentation Needed:
Support letter from:
- Support letter from: Social Worker, Psychotherapist, Therapeutic Recreation Staff, Respiratory Therapist, Psychologist, Nurse, or Physician
- For agency workers: Quote or invoice from a recognized organization that offers respite care
- For non-agency workers or childcare providers: Complete and attach a “Support Worker Invoice Claim Form” (link below)
- Click HERE for support worker invoice claim form (PDF).
*NEW* Rental/Lease Equipment Funding (Maximum of $500)
What items qualify:
- *Rental wheelchairs, walkers, standers, commodes,
- Communication devices, writing aids, hospital mattresses.
Documentation Needed:
- Support letter from: Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Prescriber, Nurse, or Physician
- Copy of lease/rental agreement
- Quote/invoice (a screenshot from the website is acceptable)
- If you are eligible for insurance, please provide a document indicating the outstanding balance