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EPIC Lab | Publications

Selected Publications




  • Ross, T. and R. Buliung. In press. "Thinking about Ableism and Third Place to Understand and Improve the School Journeys of Disabled Children and their Families." In The School Journey as a Third Place. Interdisciplinarity, Transformations and Experiences from Around the World. Eds. Moody, Zoe, Berchtold-Sedooka, Ayuko, Darbellay, Frédéric, Camponovo, Sara, and Philip D. Jaffé. Anthem Press.
  • Ross, T. (2019). “Inclusive Research Design: Accounting for Childhood Disability in School Transportation Research.” Pp. 273-293 in Waygood, O., Friman, M., Mitra, R., and L. Olsson (Eds.). Transport and Children’s Well-Being. Elsevier.
  • Biggar, J., Ross, T., and J. Mah. 2017. “Connecting Planning Scholars and Practitioners.” Ontario Planning Journal, 32(4): 19.

Knowledge Mobilization Products


Please send your inquiries to Dr. Tim Ross and Zehra Kamani to discuss your interest in working with the EPIC Lab.

Mailing address

Bloorview Research Institute
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
150 Kilgour Road, Toronto Ontario M4G 1R8