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Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital is committed to providing quality, client and family centred care.

We regularly seek feedback from clients and families so we can make meaningful improvements to our programs and services. In 2015, we partnered with the National Research Corporation of Canada (NRCC) to introduce a new feedback survey for clients and families.

Clients and their families who have been inpatients or visit our outpatient clinics will be chosen at random may be either sent a survey in the mail asking for feedback about their experience (these clients and families can choose to complete the survey either online or in hardcopy) or telephoned by a NRCC staff to complete the survey via phone.

Completion of the survey is voluntary and all responses are kept confidential. The NRCC analyzes the results of the returned surveys on our behalf and provides us with reports, which we review to help us understand what we are doing well and what we can improve.

We appreciate feedback and encourage all clients and family members who choose to complete the survey to express their opinions in an open and honest manner.

Clients and families can also provide feedback anytime by connecting with Kimberley Siu-Chong, client and family relations facilitator, at, 416-753-6084 or in the Grocery Foundation Resource Centre, first floor.

If you have questions or concerns about the survey, please contact Laura Oxenham-Murphy, Director Quality Safety and Performance, at 416-425-6220 ext. 7057 or


Holland Bloorview is committed to excellent care for all. If you have any concerns, we encourage you to contact Client & Family Relations.

Kimberley Siu-Chong, client and family relations facilitator


Please call Appointment Services at 416-424-3823 if you have a question or information to share about an appointment.

Mailing address

Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital 
c/o Client & Family Relations
150 Kilgour Road 
Toronto, Ontario, Canada 
M4G 1R8