Elaine Biddiss, MASc, PhD, PEng
Research Focus:
Dr. Biddiss designs innovative technologies that create possibilities for young people with disabilities to participate more enjoyably and effectively in arts, music, physical activities and therapies.
Research/Trainee/Volunteer Opportunities:
Dr. Biddiss currently has opportunities for graduate students. Learn more about how to Work with Us.
Education & Profession
Ph.D. Institute of Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto
M.A.Sc. Mechanical & Industrial Engineering/Institute of Biomedical Engineering (collaborative program), University of Toronto
B.A.Sc. Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto
University Positions/Affiliations:
Associate Professor, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto
Associate Member, Graduate Department of Rehabilitation Science, University of Toronto
Honours and Awards:
Early Researcher Award, Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation, 2015
Forchheimer Prize, International Society of Prosthetics & Orthotics, 2010
Perkins Prize, Institutes of Physics and Engineering in Medicine, 2006
- Bootle Blast: A pilot randomized control trial
- BootleBlast, a movement tracking video game for home-based motor therapy – Navigating gaps to market readiness
Project VRTs: Exploring technologies for virtual reality therapy of young people with cerebral palsy
See Dr. Biddiss' publications on PubMed.
Selected peer-reviewed publications:
- A Khan and E Biddiss. Musical stairs: the impact of audio feedback during stair-climbing physical therapies for children. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol 2015;10(3):231-5 (Trainee Publication)
- LT Ni, D Fehlings and E Biddiss. Design and evaluation of virtual reality-based therapy games with dual focus on therapeutic relevance and user experience for children with cerebral palsy. Games Health J 2014;3(3):162-171 (Trainee Publication)
- S Blain-Moraes, S Chesser, S Kingsnorth, P McKeever and E Biddiss. Biomusic: a novel technology for revealing the personhood of people with profound multiple disabilities. Augment Altern Commun 2013;29(2):159-73
- E Biddiss, A McPherson, G Shea and P McKeever. The design and testing of interactive hospital spaces to meet the needs of waiting children. HERD 2013;6(3):49-68
- J Howcroft, D Fehlings, V Wright, K Zabjek, J Andrysek and E Biddiss. A Comparison of Solo and Multiplayer Active Videogame Play in Children with Unilateral Cerebral Palsy. Games Health J 2012 Aug;1(4):287-293 (Trainee Publication)
- J Howcroft, S Klejman, D Fehlings, V Wright, K Zabjek, J Andrysek and E Biddiss. Active video game play in children with cerebral palsy: potential for physical activity promotion and rehabilitation therapies. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2012;93(8):1448-56 (Trainee Publication)
- T Berry, J Howcroft, S Klejman, D Fehlings, V Wright, E Biddiss. Variations in movement patterns during active video game play in children with cerebral palsy. J Bioengineer & Biomedical Sci 2011;S1 (Trainee Publication)
- J Howcroft, D Fehlings, K Zabjek, L Fay, J Liang and E Biddiss. Wearable wrist activity monitor as an indicator of functional hand use in children with cerebral palsy. DMCN 2011;53(11):1024–1029 (Trainee Publication)
- E Biddiss, P McKeever, S Lindsay and T Chau. Implications of prosthesis funding structures on the experiences of individuals with upper limb absence. Prosthetics & Orthotics International 2011;35(2):215-224
- E Biddiss and J Irwin. Active video games to promote physical activity in children and youth: a systematic review. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2010;164(7):664-72
Contact Info
Contact Information:
Bloorview Research Institute
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
150 Kilgour Road Toronto, Ontario M4G 1R8
Tel: 416-425-6220, extension 3505
Contact Email: