BLOOM combines real family stories with the best expert advice, plus the latest news and opinion on disability.
A deaf girl writes about the pain and beauty of being different
The 12-year-old protagonist of a new book finds herself alienated from her family, who refuse to use sign language.
With a little help from my friends
Living in hospital for months of rehab after surgery can be hard for a kid and their parents.Kim Hoben (above left) of Whitby says the ki...
Got a kid with a disability? App makes finding services easy
When your child has a disability, how do you find the best therapies, adapted sports programs, or accessible playgrounds and restaurants?
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Why do so few medical trainees want to work with complex kids?
Photo of Jacob Trossman, 16, who has Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease. You can read about Jacob and his family on his mother Marcy White's blog Cure PMD.
One family, one sporty Whistler vacation
Carol Eastwood wanted to go on a family trip with her husband and two sons. “I have a 27-year-old son and a 20-year-old son who uses a wheelchair, and I wanted all of us to go on a trip where no one
'We validate the diverse experiences siblings have'
These are a few questions children with a brother or sister with a disability asked adult siblings at a workshop in May at Holland Bloorview.
Being kind to yourself makes you a better clinician
Anna Marie Batelaan is a social worker at Holland Bloorview who works with children who have a brain injury as a result of trauma or illness—and their families. She provides emotional counselling and
'Isn't it enough for art to be joyful?'
Julia Gray describes her work as a post-doctoral fellow at Holland Bloorview as “the humanities reaching into rehab.” Julia trained a...
Social media lets people with disabilities 'push their own agenda'
Beth Haller is a bit of a celebrity in the world of disability and journalism. I first learned about her when I followed her Media dis&dat blog, where she posted timely international stories relating
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