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group of HB Rocks participants playing in concert
A decade of HB rock n’ roll

Marking 10 years of ‘musicking’ with clients and HB Rocks this Music Therapy Awareness Month

Laeticia loves to sing and play music. Over the last few years, she has participated in HB Rocks at Holland Bloorview, a unique music therapy program that enables clients to experience and make music with musicians, music therapists and volunteers.

The budding artist is one of 12 children and youth with disabilities who have participated in the eight-week program each year over the past decade.  

Since 2015, the community music therapy program offers kids and teens an authentic ‘rock star’ experience while building their confidence, introducing a shared love of music and making new friends.

During the eight weeks, each aspiring musician is paired with a music therapy student or volunteer and a band member to experiment and be creative with an instrument of their choice, such as keyboards, hand drums, ukuleles, percussion or their own voice. Or they may use a customized sound device developed by the communications and writing aids team at Holland Bloorview. The group would meet weekly and rehearse hit songs such as “We Will Rock You” by Queen and “One Love” by Bob Marley.

Andrea Lamont, the program coordinator and music therapist, says Holland Bloorview is the first to develop this unique community music therapy model.

“It’s not simply bringing community rock groups together with clients. The music therapists work as the connector to help clients and community musicians understand and communicate through what we call ‘musicking.’ And from this common experience, confidence and identity is built through the music.”

The finale of the program is the HB Rocks spring concert, where clients have an opportunity to jam onstage with the band, volunteers and music therapists in front of an enthusiastic crowd.

[Pictured above L to R: Topher Scott, Niiva, and Rudy Blair, members of the Canadian media and music industry]

In between each set, a panel of celebrity judges gives the band feedback on what they loved about their performances and musicality.

Mathew Wan, one of the music therapists, started HB Rocks with his manager and fellow music therapist, Lamont.

“At the time, I had just completed my internship at Holland Bloorview as part of my master of music therapy,” recalls Wan. “We had begun conversations about starting a program where community musicians and clients can come together and connect through music making.”

Garson Hoffman was one of the community musicians who connected with Wan and Lamont to establish the innovative music therapy program. “I had just taken over managing The Jam and had been involved in fundraising for Holland Bloorview through an organization founded by myself and another colleague. I heard about the music therapy services and offered to partner with Andrea and Mathew together with The Jam’s musicians.” HB Rocks was born.

Since the first concert in September 2015, which drew 200 attendees, the program has expanded.

Looking at the past 10 years, Garson has seen how children and youth have blossomed and ‘come out of their shells.’

“We’ve had some tremendous success with some of the kids who have participated for multiple years. The first year, they were pretty shy, but by the second or third year, they were all rock stars!”

For Wan, he hopes the program expands so that more clients can feel supported and be encouraged to try a new experience that can bring the joy of music in their lives.

“I really hope that our HB Rocks community can grow bigger and empower more people in the city. I would love to see more kids to feel empowered on stage, more parents and families to cheer with proudness in their kids, and more people in our community to understand and share this moment of empowerment.”

Jean Hammond, a family partnerships specialist, says her daughter Ellie has enjoyed her HB Rocks music experience over the past 10 years, and will be returning again this year. “She loves singing along to pop songs as well as learning new songs. The concert is definitely the highlight – she feels like she’s part of a rock band and plays to the energy of the crowd.”

And as for Laeticia, her mom Nathalie da Silva says her daughter loves the program. “Laeticia was very engaged in singing along with her friend and playing her instrument at the same time. She had a lot of fun at the concert and felt so accomplished. Thank you to all the musicians, music therapists and volunteers for making this experience so memorable for her.”

Learn more about HB Rocks and other music programs offered at Holland Bloorview.