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Post-secondary education & career workshop series

Community Event

Post-secondary education & career workshop series

3 people are positioned behind a desk. One person is standing and 2 people are seated, everyone has an open laptop in front of them.
Headed to college or university? Are you a student with a disability preparing for your post-secondary education and career?
Join us for our Fall 2023 free Post-secondary education & career workshop series

Virtual workshops include a mix of information (presentation style) and opportunities to ask questions. We engage Youth Mentors to share their lived experiences.

We designed these sessions for students and welcome families/parents to participate.


To register:

You must register in advance of these free webinars.  Register below.  

You are eligible to register if you are:

  • Living with a disability and/or autism spectrum disorder
  • In high-school (grades 10, 11, 12 or 12+) and working towards your OSSD
  • Living in Ontario



Learn about:

Saturday October 21, 2023


Getting ready for the transition to post-secondary 

  • Exploring program and career interests
  • Applying to college/university

Saturday November 18, 2023


Setting up supports for post-secondary

  • Accessing services and accommodations at college/university 
  • Maintaining physical and mental health
  • Funding options

Saturday December 9, 2023


Advocacy and independence skills 

  • Developing self-management strategies and asking for what you need
  • Enjoying campus life and getting involved