February 11, 2017 marks the second annual United Nations' International Day of Women and Girls in Science, a day to highlight the incredible feats of female scientists, research students, trainees, and health professionals. Learn more about the day
Diversity is a core value at Holland Bloorview which extends deeply into the heart of its research institute. In the spirit of International Day of Women and Girls in Science, voices have been raised, sharing words of wisdom, empowerment, and reflection, on the value and impact of women and girls in science.
Jessica Brian, clinician investigator and psychologist
What motivates you:
My main inspirations are the children and their families. I love asking questions, challenging assumptions, and the way the scientific method supports these efforts. I see my field (psychology) as the perfect harmony between narratives and numbers.
What would you say to women and girls just beginning to explore the field of science:
You have so much to offer the world of science! Trust your instincts, challenge authority and ask those important questions.
Julia Gray, post-doctoral fellow in the Critical Disability and Rehabilitation Studies Lab
How you came to work in science:
Istarted working in the arts as a playwright and theatre director and found myway to health research and science through arts-based knowledgetranslation. As an artist, I was interested to use my skills as a way to open up conversations withcommunity members about misconceptions and injustices in the world. Thiswork led me to collaborate with health researchers on arts-based knowledgetranslation projects which opened up all sorts of questions for meabout how arts and sciences come together, as well as the ways people make artand what that means for people’s lives, how they express themselves and whatthat means for people’s health more broadly. I recently trained in socialscience (PhD at UofT) to expand my tool kit to be able to study these things. I’m thrilled to be at Holland Bloorview to be able to explore how we can use the arts to engage the broader public in conversations aboutmisconceptions about kids living with disability, and to look at the ways kidswith disabilities express themselves to others and make art in rehabilitationsettings.
What makes someone successful in the field of science:
Do not be afraid to be curious. Have the confidence tobe curious and know that there are differentways to show it; the obvious way is to ask questions, but listening, observing, mentoring undersomeone is equally important as it allows you the space to inquire and explore, and learn. Collaboration is also vital in today’s world and workplace.
Arezoo Eshraghi, post-doctoral fellow
What is your passion for science?
Rehabilitation is my passion. Before being a scientist and researcher, I am a clinician who has worked for years with those in need of prosthetic and orthotics services. My clients are my biggest motivation; their will to stay strong and get stronger; the smiles on their faces; their incredible spirit - all inspire me to believe I am following the right path. Above all, it is beautiful how engineering and medicine go hand in hand to make the world a better place, to create a world of possibility!
What should women and girls new to the field/in school know about science?
Be yourself, follow your passion, never underestimate your power and ideas. Believe that you can make a difference and you will make a difference. Don't see failure as a weakness, for it is only the beginning of your next success. Spice your scientific work with kindness, love and care and you will see it will make the world a better place for all. My secret is Be Positive to Attract the Positive and Make the Positive.
Pam Green, clinical team investigator, nurse practitioner
What inspired you to work in science:
My inspiration was my 5th Grade Science teacher who made experiments fun and encouraged the class to predict outcomes. The barriers to care in our system and family resiliency despite those barriers motivate me to change the system. My students also motivate me to share a passion for learning and mentorship.
What message do you want to share with others in the field?
You have a unique view of the world. Let others know what you think needs to be changed to make a better world for children and their families. Share your passion and knowledge and be a mentor in the future.
Golda Milo-Manson, vice president of medicine and academic affairs, developmental pediatrician, associate professor of pediatrics at University of Toronto
What inspired you to work in science:
I have always enjoyed science (maybe not physics, however!) and wanted to work with kids. I loved being a camp counselor and believed that combining my passion for science and kids would be perfect. I also had great role models.
What do you want women and girls to know about the field of science, and in childhood disability:
I want them to know that, with passion and hard work, options are limitless. Working in childhood disability has been the best career choice for me, because it means loving coming to work every day.
Krissy Doyle-Thomas, research associate in the Autism Research Centre, and manager of research operations in the Bloorview Research Institute
What drives you:
Through research, I explore innovative and unanswered questions around medical conditions and treatments. Pushing the envelope, and conceptualizing new ways to help others with a disability, motivates me.
What one message do you want to pass on to those starting their careers in science:
The world needs you to think big and not be afraid to try new things. Never underestimate yourself. Within your mind might be the next revolutionary treatment for a medical condition that is yet to be fully understood.
Tamara Yee, post-doctoral fellow
How have families inspired your work in science:
I completed my PhD in medicalsciences after my clinical trainingto improve the lives ofchildren and families I had the pleasure to work with, specifically aroundsocial participation and autism. I always loved when parents asked me questionsand enjoyed the process of searching for answers. I continue to learn so muchfrom different family experiences, and by working together with professionalsand families, I can see how we’ve made a change in our community.
Science is...:
Science is a team sport and youget to work with many passionate and diverse individuals. Also, I love beingcreative, and have enjoyed incorporating images, such as infographics, into myresearch program.
Joanne Wincentak, knowledge broker in evidence to care and registered occupational therapist
What drives your scientific interests?
Curiosity. I'm motivated by wanting to understand how things work, and using that knowledge to problem solve.
Women and girls in the field of science, should:
Put yourself out there! Share your ideas, ask your questions - that's what ensures science continues to make a real-world impact.
Gloria Lee, research coordinator
What motivates you to pursue a career in science?
Being able to connect with so many clients and their families each day and to hear how we’re making a difference in their lives, no matter how small, is truly rewarding. They inspire me to keep asking questions and to keep pushing for answers! Every day is a new adventure with new challenges, which bring new partnerships and, best of all, new potential!
What should women and girls new to the field of science know?
Challenge yourself to try new things. Let your confidence and passion shine through in everything you do. If you’re ever unsure, don’t be afraid to ask questions and never feel like you are “bothering” someone when you do. Experts in the field are experts because they love their work, and certainly love talking about it. Just go for it!
Anne Hunt, manager, student training program in Holland Bloorview's concussion centre, clinical study investigator and assistant professor at University of Toronto
What inspired you to pursue a career in science?
My son had a challenging and prolonged recovery from concussion. As a mom, scientist, and occupational therapist, I recognized that the treatments at that time were focused on limiting activities and what kids can't do. This was often very isolating and depressing for kids, especially active ones. This experience inspired me to focus my research on developing more active treatment approaches that focus instead on what kids can do following concussion. My motivation continues to be helping kids with concussion feel better.
What do you want women and girls to know about pursuing a career in science?
It is never too late to pursue your passions, or your goals. Your work matters, and you can make a significant difference to the lives of others through research.
Laura Hartman, post-doctoral fellow
How can we ensure science meets the needs of clients and families?
Everyone has a voice, and everyone’s voice deserves to be heard. This means that we need to listen - intently, and without barriers - to ensure that however a person chooses to communicate, that we hear them. A person's voice represents the message that they want to share,and it’s a message that can impact the care they receive, the system that theynavigate, and the way people interact with them. I am privileged to work withamazing kids, parents, researchers, clinicians, teachers and administrators tohelp add all of their voices to the scientific literature that impacts theircare.
What do you want women and girls new in the field of science to know?
Science is not any one thing,and it takes all kinds of people with varied perspectives, skills, andbackgrounds to paint a complete picture of what science can be. (For me, I use art and empathy to drive healthcare that matters.) Don’t be afraid to add your voice to our collectiveknowledge base.
Leslie Mumford, research engineer
Why do you work in science?
I love science and understanding how things work - especially building things, working with my hands, exploring the unexplored. Engineering was a natural fit!
What would you say to someone considering working in science?
Don't waste your energy questioning whether or not you deserve to be somewhere; you do. Don't silence your thoughts and opinions thinking they aren't valuable; they are.There will always be people to question and challenge you, so engage, speak up, listen and learn because that's how science, discovery and progress are achieved. And then, share those achievements and learnings with others so that new ideas can come from them.
Melissa Paniccia, PhD candidate and occupational therapist
What are you passionate about?
I’m passionate about everyday living. I’ve also always loved neuroscience. I’m motivated by bringing these two areas together to ultimately answer the question “so what” about the work I do in youth concussion and neurophysiology. Above all, the children, youth and families I’ve had the pleasure of working with inspire me to stay close to what is meaningful to them. I’m ultimately interested in what drives and motivates them following concussive injury and my hope is to use scientific inquiry and clinical intervention to guide them back to their strengths and living life in a way that suits them.
What one message do you want women and girls to know when pursuing a career in science?
There is no perfect recipe to pursuing your dream, whether it’s higher education, research, clinical practice or anything else that suits you. All women, from all backgrounds - race, religion, socioeconomic status, family dynamic - have the power and ability to choose a path that can and will make a difference in the world. Surround yourself with those who believe in you and that will nourish where you want to go. Always be curious about knowing more and be critical about what you already do know. My perceived success has always been anchored in these values and I’ve never felt like a one-woman show.
Amy McPherson, scientist
What motivates you?
I’m driven to understand the experiences and needs of children with disabilities and their families. How can we best support them to maximize child and family wellness? What can we do, within healthcare and in broader society, so that the child reaches their fullest potential, whatever that looks like for them? Working collaboratively with clinicians, researchers, children and families allows me to look at these real-world questions in exciting and innovative ways.
What you want women and girls new in the field to know:
There are many different ways to be a scientist. Your approach may be different from other people and that’s OK. Be bold. Be curious. And most of all, uphold high standards.
Stephanie Chow, research assistant
What inspires you about your work in science?
Having the opportunity to work with so many families and seeing the difference that research can make in each family’s life is truly inspiring. Working closely with the families and seeing their excitement and passion in the anxiety meter and other research being done in the Autism Research Centre is a strong motivation for me. I am encouraged every day to strive and work hard in helping discover these answers together. Each challenge is just another opportunity for us to grow in our understanding and make a difference, no matter how big or small.
What do you feel is important for women and girls in science to know?
Have courage in pursuing your dreams and accepting new opportunities and challenges openly. Passion will take you a long way, and you are absolutely capable of doing whatever your heart wants to do. I believe in you, and I know many others do too!!
Melanie Penner, clinician investigator and developmental pediatrician
What inspires you?
I am motivated to help create a better world for children with autism spectrum disorders and other neurodevelopmental disorders. The beauty of my combined role as a developmental paediatrician and a health services researcher is that I can see a situation in my clinic and then study it in my research. For instance, I was seeing that many families were waiting years to access autism services. Drawing from their experiences, I created an economic model looking at how much that waiting costs the government and society as a whole. I truly believe that we all benefit when people with autism and their families thrive. Science provides me with the tools to test these important ideas.
What do you want women and girls in the field of science to know?
I want you to know that you are capable. I want you to be curious. I want you to challenge the status quo. I want you to ask important questions that haven’t been asked before. I want you to believe that you have an important contribution to make. I want you to keep going. I want you to change the world.
Amanda Fleury, graduate student
Your inspiration behind working in the field of science:
I've always been interested in how things work: from machines to the mysteries of the human body. As a biomedical engineering student at Holland Bloorview, I get to explore those questions in a supportive environment where we have the potential to have a real impact. That's really exciting to me.
What do you want women and girls new in the field to know?
Don't ever stop being curious, and asking hard questions. The world needs passionate and curious people to solve difficult problems. 'Science' as a field is so broad, which just means there are infinite opportunities to have an impact in a way that's authentic and meaningful for you. Give it a try.
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