Upgrade to electronic medical record
As part of our commitment to the highest degree of quality and safety in all that we do, we’ve upgraded our electronic medical record (EMR) to a system called Meditech Expanse.
We went live Saturday, June 1 at 9:45 a.m. thanks to a tremendous effort by teams across the hospital.
The EMR is what we use to track important client information including doctor’s notes, prescriptions, test results and appointments. The upgrade creates a more user-friendly system that will enhance our ability to partner with families to provide excellent, safe, high-quality care.
As we adjust to the new system here are a few things families should be aware of:
- As we learn the new system, you may wish to allow extra time for your appointments. In addition, scheduling future appointments will take longer than usual.
- From the period of approximately May 20 – June 24, 2019, the number of in-patient admissions, inpatient respite opportunities, sleep assessments, day program admissions and out-patient appointments will be reduced.
Thank you for your understanding and partnership. Your patience is appreciated.