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Faces of Transformation

Holland Bloorview launches its impact report – Yearbook 125: Faces of Transformation

Unlocking research and teaching excellence. Responding to evolving and complex needs. Demanding more for children, youth and families. 
This is what more than 1200 staff are doing each day, every day at Holland Bloorview. 

“Together, we are transforming care to create an inclusive world for more than 9,000 children, youth and families every year,” says Julia Hanigsberg, president and CEO of Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital

“Thanks to the generous support of our donors and our staff for creating a world of possibilities for children and youth and their families at Holland Bloorview and beyond our walls. Thank you,” says Sandra Hawken, president and CEO of Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Foundation.

We invite you to read the report, our yearbook, and share it with your community. Join us as we celebrate our vision for the most meaningful and healthy futures for all children, youth and families.

Find the report at