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Rick's rant on Canada's 'war on kids with Down syndrome'
Bloom Blog

Rick's rant on Canada's 'war on kids with Down syndrome'

Don't miss Rick Mercer's take on Canada's plans to send a tenured university professor at York University back to Costa Rica because his son has Down syndrome. That's right, Felipe Montoya, who has lived in Toronto with his family for three years, has been denied permanent residency because of the potential 'burden' of his 13-year-old son Nico.

"Surely to God we're not throwing children out of the country because they have Down syndrome?" asks Rick in this brilliant response. "Well, apparently that is exactly what we're doing. There is a war on kids with Down syndrome that I was completely unaware of."

Rick nails it with this gem: "There are absolutely no guarantees in this life when it comes to predicting who will contribute what to society."

"...I was so hoping this story was untrue. I was wrong."

And finally: "My Canada includes an extra chromosome."

Bravo! Spoken like a true Canadian.