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Kudos to Johnson's Baby for its new ad
Bloom Blog

Kudos to Johnson's Baby for its new ad

By Louise Kinross

Johnson's Baby released a new ad that features a child with Down syndrome for Mother's Day.

It begins with a close-up of a baby's beautiful blue eye, with the line: JOHNSON'S BABY CELEBRATE LOVE AND DIVERSITY.

Then it moves to other baby parts, the toes, chubby fingers stroke a leg, then touch the tummy, hands clasp, and we see the soft skin of the baby's back. Finally, the child's face is revealed, and he smiles. He's a baby with Down syndrome.

WITH A BABY WITH DOWN SYNDROME flashes on the screen.

According to the Buzzfeed piece linked to above, Johnson's Baby posted the clip on Facebook with this message: "For us and for all mothers, all babies are Johnson's babies."

I love this ad. I love that it conveys the value of every child. I love that Johnson's is including babies that have been marginalized. This is a BIG deal.

I just wish they didn't have to include the child's diagnosis: WITH A BABY WITH DOWN SYNDROME.

The ad speaks for itself. The baby conveys the message of diversity.

Would a similar ad with an African American baby say: WITH A BABY WITH BROWN SKIN?

Of course not.

I can't wait to see what kinds of diversity Johnson's Baby brings us next. I hope this is an ongoing series designed to show us the beauty of all children.

The ad was created by Brazilian ad agency DM9.