Connect2care puts your child's health record at your fingertips
By Louise Kinross
Becky Quinlan (top right) can’t say enough about the benefits of Connect2care—a new secure portal that gives parents and kids access to their health records at Holland Bloorview.
“My son Jack is pretty complex and seen in seven different departments,” Becky explains. “Now I can go online to see a list of all of his appointments and what’s pending, and it keeps me more organized.”
She also loves having Jack’s clinical reports at her fingertips. “Before I’d take a ton of notes at every appointment but now I can access that information in real time. I can also print out reports and take them with me to show other specialists.”
Holland Bloorview is one of the first children’s hospitals in North America to offer an online portal to families.
Becky is excited about new features that will be added to Connect2care soon. These include access to lab and microbiology results and two-way messaging with clinicians. “In the past when I had a simple question it might result in a couple of weeks of phone tag to get an answer. I’d phne and talk to the nurse, and the nurse has to talk to the doctor, but some of the specialists aren’t at the hospital everyday. With two-way messaging I’ll be able to type my question in and wait for a direct response.”
Becky is a family-centred care specialist at Holland Bloorview who’s helping to sign families up for the service. “I think it empowers us as patients and families to have our information at our fingertips.”
Connect2care was developed based on feedback from parents and clients and is part of a research study at the Bloorview Research Institute to see how it can be improved over time.
To get registered for Connect2care, visit Holland Bloorview Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. You’ll need to bring your child’s OHIP card and two pieces of identification. You can e-mail connect2care@hollandbloorview.ca with questions.