BLOOM media roundup
Happy Monday!
Looking for a read that will make you think? Check out the disability and parenting stories we've collected recently. Let us know if we missed a good one! Louise
Forget what you know about disability Channel 4 video
Singer Viktoria Modesta is part of British Channel 4's Born Risky campaign, aimed at challenging viewer stereotypes. She wears 'artistic' prosthetic limbs made at The Alternative Limb Project.
This amazing father created his own school for his injured daughter Viral Nova
When his newborn suffers a severe brain injury after being shaken by a nurse, this father opens a school in New York for kids with brain injuries.
Silence wrapped in eloquent cocoons The New York Times
After spending 35 years in an institution, Judith Scott, who had Down syndrome, was rescued by her twin sister and went on to become a world-famous fibre artist whose work is showing in the Brooklyn Museum.
A teenager with big dreams CTV video
A boy with a rare disease that leaves his skin as vulnerable as a butterfly's wings and in constant pain raises $80,000 to grant wishes for others with his condition.
And the beat goes on Cincinnati Children's Hospital blog
A music therapist records the heartbeats of dying kids and incorporates them into songs that parents can keep.
The day some of my son's class snubbed his birthday Chicago Tribune
'When my son with autism turned six, only one kid from his class came to his party.'
My son is black. With autism. And I'm scared of what the police will do to him
'Yes, less than an hour after hearing my son has autism, I took into consideration what it means when he interacts with a cop.'
How to hear voices that are seldom heard Video
Researcher Sara Ryan speaks at the Transforming Patient and Staff Experience Conference at Oxford University in November. Her son Connor, who had autism and an intellectual disability, drowned in a bath unsupervised after having a seizure in a special unit in a British hospital.
North Korea's disappeared: Regime 'performs experiments on disabled people before leaving them to die' The Telegraph
North Korea is 'cleansing' its population by leaving disabled infants to die and sending people with disabilities to a remote village or using them for medical experiments, a defector says.
Why is Reginald Latson being denied the support he needs?
The Washington Post
A police officer questioned a youth with autism who was sitting outside a library, waiting for it to open. A scuffle ensued. The young man was convicted of assaulting a police officer and is languishing in solitary confinement.
Oversold prenatal tests leading to abortions Boston Globe
Companies are overselling the accuracy of a new generation of prenatal tests and doing little to educate expecting parents or doctors about the significant risks of false alarms.