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Melanie Penner, MD MSc FRCP(C) is a developmental paediatrician at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital and a senior clinician scientist at the Autism Research Centre in the Bloorview Research Institute. She is the Bloorview Childrens Hospital Foundation Research Chair in Developmental Pediatrics.
PhD Candidate
Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto
Advisor: Dr. Tom Chau
Nilou received her BASc and MEng in electrical engineering from University of Toronto. She later on received her MASc from Ryerson University in biomedical engineering. As a result, she has research experience in diverse areas (e.g. ultrasound-based navigation, computer vision, robotics, power semiconductors, and electrostatic discharge devices).
PhD Candidate
Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto
Advisor: Dr. Tom Chau