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Ryan Hung

Ryan Hung, MD, MSc

Pediatric Neurologist

Education & Profession


  • M.D. Queen's University, Pediatrics.  University of Western Ontario (Residency); Neurology, University of Toronto (Fellowship); FRCPC (Neurology, Pediatrics)
  • MSc, Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research, University of Toronto

University Positions / Affiliations:

  • Clinical Lecturer, University of Toronto, Division of Developmental Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics

Honours and Awards:

  • William J. Logan Award of Excellence in Resident and Fellow Clinical Teaching, Division of Pediatric Neurology, Department of Pediatrics, 
  • The Hospital for Sick Children American Academy of Neurology Resident Scholarship to the 2008 Annual Meeting

Current Projects





Click to see Dr. Hung's publications on PubMed.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

Cancelliere C, Cassidy JD, Cote P, Hincapie CA, Harvigsen J, Carroll LJ, Marras C , Boyle E, Kristman V, Hung RM, Stalnacke B, Rumney P, Coronado V, Holm LV, Borg J, Nygren-de Boussard C, af Geijerstam J, Keightley M.  Protocol for a systematic review of prognosis after mild traumatic brain injury: an update of the WHO Collaborating Centre Task Force finding.  Systematic Reviews 2012, 1:17.  C

Ochi A,  Hung RM, Weiss S, Widjaja E, To T, Nawa Y, Shima T, Go C, Akiyama T, Donner E, Drake J, Ruthka J, Snead OC, Ostubo H.  Lateralized interictal epileptiform discharges during rapid eye movement sleep correlate with epileptogenic hemisphere in children with intractable epilepsy secondary to tuberous sclerosis complex.  Epilepsia  2011; 52:1986-94.  C

Contact Info

Contact Information:
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital 
150 Kilgour Road Toronto, Ontario M4G 1R8