Dr. Elizabeth Young, MD, FRCPC
Dr. Elizabeth Young, MD, FRCPC is a general consulting and developmental Paediatrician in the Department of Paediatrics at St. Michael’s Hospital. She is an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto. She completed medical school at McMaster University and a Paediatrics residency at Queens University. She worked as a general Paediatrician for two years in Toronto and then went onto then complete her developmental Paediatric sub specialty residency at the University of Toronto. Her dual training and work experience in developmental and general Paediatrics provides her a unique perspective in the management of families of children and youth with developmental disorders. Dr. Young’s research focuses on increasing capacity among trainees, family physicians and Paediatricians on caring for children with developmental disorders, and on supporting families after a diagnosis is made. Dr. Young strives to foster understanding and promotion of optimal development of children by bridging the communication gap between families, developmental specialists, primary care physicians, and agencies promoting child development.
Dr. Young currently holds grants from the Provincial AFP Innovation fund and Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Development Grant. Her current research projects include:
“A cross Sector transition planning service for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A care provider and care outcomes”
“Understanding the experiences of Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) caregivers caring for children with medical complexities and developmental disabilities and their involvement with Child Protection Services”.
“Exploring the efficacy and usability of the My Autism Passport (MAP) app in assisting families of children diagnosed with a developmental disorder access services”
“A New Model of Integrated Care: Developmental Outreach within a Family Health Team Practice”
Dr. Young is the Medical Lead for Paediatric Outreach and Ambulatory Services in the department of Paediatrics at St. Michaels Hospital. She is the physician representative on the Paediatric Clinic Unit Council and on the Women and Children’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion committee.
Dr. Young currently teachers Portfolio as an Academic Scholar and is a clinician teacher for Paediatrics and Family medicine at St. Michaels Hospital.
Dr. Young is on the steering Committee for the national conference CCYC – Canadian Children, Youth and Communities In Equity Conference. She also participates in cross-sectoral meetings related to transitional care for children and youth with developmental disabilities in the region. Dr. Young is currently participating in the OMA-Rotman Leadership program for physician leaders across the province.
For publications please see the following web pages:
- PubMed - Caregiver burnout, gaps in care, and COVID-19: Effects on families of youth with autism and intellectual disability
- PubMed - Caring for children with mental health or developmental and behavioural disorders: Perspectives of family health teams on roles and barriers to care
- PubMed - Increasing Access to Developmental Services for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Pediatric Developmental Passport Pilot Randomized Trial
- PubMed - The paediatric developmental toolkit: Facilitating learning of child development