Dr. Angela Orsino MD, FRCPC
Dr. Angela Orsino is a developmental pediatrician in the Child Development Program who has a strong interest in medical education. She completed the Education Scholars Program through the U of T Centre for Faculty Development in 2016 and has participated in various educational leadership roles since then. Since 2021, she has been the program director for the U of T Developmental Pediatrics subspecialty/fellowship program.
Prior to this, she oversaw the coordination of the undergraduate medical curriculum in Child Development at U of T. Dr. Orsino has developed various online educational resources for undergraduate medical students on child development-related topics. She has participated in a national working group to help develop assessment measures for developmental pediatrics training in preparation for the transition of the developmental pediatrics program to a competency-based medical education format.
Dr. Orsino’s research work is also focused in the area of medical education. She has collaborated on several scholarly projects exploring the role of adaptive expertise and critical reflection in medical education. She has a particular interest in preparing learners for the advocacy role in medicine and how to be aware of and responsive to the needs of the systems in which they practice. In line with this interest, she has developed an advocacy curriculum for developmental pediatrics subspecialty residents in which they have the opportunity to participate in a broad scale advocacy effort. Her current research project focuses on examining how medical faculty teach advocacy skills in clinical teaching encounters and explores the role that critical reflection plays in this teaching.
Dr. Orsino also led a collaborative effort at Holland Bloorview in which kids with disabilities created videos of their advice on various topics to share with other kids (Kid2Kid Advice); these videos are available as a resource for kids and families to access on the Holland Bloorview website.
Orsino A, Ng S. Can adaptive expertise, reflective practice, and activity theory help achieve systems-based practice and collective competence? Can Med Educ J. 2019;10(3):e55-e60.
Ng SL, Mylopoulos M, Kangasjarvi E, Boyd VA, Teles S, Orsino A, et al. Critically reflective practice and its sources: A qualitative exploration. Med Educ. 2020;54(4):312-9.
Boyd VA, Woods NN, Kumagai AK, Kawamura AA, Orsino A, Ng SL. Examining the Impact of Dialogic Learning on Critically Reflective Practice. Acad Med. 2022;97(11S):S71-S9.
For further publications please see PUBMed.