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Pathway to change: A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Extensive Needs Service Pilot Program in Ontario


A tri-organizational group (Holland Bloorview, McMaster Children’s Hospital, and the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario) has received funding from the Ontario government to run a 3-year pilot program to provide care to some of the most complex children/youth in the province. This funding will also extend to GTA partner sites connected via Holland Bloorview: Children’s Treatment Network (CTN), Michael Garron Hospital (MGH), and Grandview Children’s Centre.
This study will evaluate the effectiveness of the Extensive Needs Service pilot across all sites. 


Dr. Melanie Penner MD FRCP(C)  

Tri-organizational partners: McMaster Children’s Hospital and Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario

Research contact

Vicotria Rombos –


March 2025

Funding Agency 

This study is funded by the Ontario Ministries of Health and Children, Community and Social Services.

Conflict of interest

There are no conflicts of interest related to this study.