Melanie Penner
Melanie Penner, MD MSc FRCP(C) is a developmental paediatrician at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital and a senior clinician scientist at the Autism Research Centre in the Bloorview Research Institute. She is the Bloorview Childrens Hospital Foundation Research Chair in Developmental Pediatrics. She completed her Bachelor’s in Health Sciences at McMaster University, her medical degree at Queen’s University, her paediatrics residency and developmental paediatrics subspecialty residency at the University of Toronto, and her Master’s in Health Services Research at the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at the University of Toronto.
Dr. Penner works as a developmental paediatrician performing developmental assessments, diagnosing autism spectrum disorder, and managing psychopharmacological treatment in children with complex behavioural challenges. Her research interests are in expanding and enhancing the care provided to children with autism spectrum disorder and their families in the community.