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In light of severe weather conditions:

  • Bloorview School Authority is closed
  • Holland Bloorview nursery schools and Kindercircle Day Care are closed
  • Day program and Ronald McDonald playroom are closed

Paperwork Party - Support with Completing Funding Applications

Community Event

Paperwork Party - Support with Completing Funding Applications

An application form and pen with a mug of tea or coffee in the background

This monthly workshop includes a brief presentation followed by the option to join a breakout room co-hosted by Holland Bloorview staff and Family Leaders, who will offer support, tips and strategies on filling out forms for funding related to a child's disability.

Breakout rooms are focused on the following funding sources: Special Services at Home (SSAH), Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities (ACSD), Ontario Autism Program (OAP), Assistive Devices Program (ADP), Easter Seals Funding and Grants and other supports such as the TTC Assistance Card, Access2Entertainment Card and more.

Registrants are strongly encouraged to view our 'Part 1 Funding Overview Webinar' prior to attending a Paperwork Party. For access to this webinar, please contact: Stephanie Moynagh at or 416-425-6220 ext. 6146

After viewing the 'Part 1 Funding Overview Webinar', please bring your forms and your questions to the Paperwork Party!

Family Workshop - Social Media Digital Awareness and Literacy

Community Event

Family Workshop - Social Media Digital Awareness and Literacy

A smart phone displaying the homepage for Facebook on left, scrabble letters spelling Social Media to right of phone

David O'Brien, Director of Infant, Child, and Youth Mental Health at Yorktown Family Services will join us to provide information to parents/caregivers about digital social media literacy for children and youth.

The presentation will include an overview of digital social media literacy for parents of children and youth ages 10-24 years. Topics in the presentation include: understanding digital social media, current trends including misinformation/conspiracy theories, recruitment and luring into anti-social behavior, and videogaming. The presentation will include how to help your child understand and engage safely with digital media. Resources will be provided. The presentation will be one hour with a Q&A period.

Please contact Family Support Specialist Stephanie Moynagh with any questions about this event: 416-425-6220 ext. 6146

More information about our presenter, David O'Brien:

David O'Brien has over 25 years of experience working in the field of child, youth, and young adult mental health within various front-line and managerial roles. David has co-founded several inter-organizational network system delivery services programs for child and youth mental health including; 'what's up' walk-in, H.I.P.S. (Human. Trafficking, Prevention. Strategy) and supported the development of YouthCan IMPACT, pathways between emergency departments and community mental health and trauma treatment programs for survivors of violence. David co-leads a national complex care case consultation group and supports organizations with program design, program implementation, and clinical model implementation. David has co-designed a program that supports young adults involved with, on the fringes of, or on the pathway toward targeted violence. His formal education background is in the areas of Child and Youth Worker, Masters in Counselling Psychology and a Masters in Business Administration. David is a media resource for CTV News, CBC News, and various mainstream news outlets.