We strive to optimize and enhance the quality of life for children/youth with neuromuscular conditions and their families. We fill a collaborative role to share knowledge and information, provide assessments and deliver care. Our aim is to respectfully support and guide children/youth and families to reach their personalized life goals and values.
The neuromuscular team uses a multidisciplinary and family-centred approach. During clinic visits, various team members will provide assessments, as appropriate, for clients diagnosed with neuromuscular conditions. The team also provides intervention and consultation as required between clinic visits.
The team comprises a pediatrician, respirologist, social worker, registered respiratory therapist, life skills coach, youth facilitator, speech-language pathologist, psychologist, and clinic coordinator, as well as ambulatory care nurses, physiotherapists and occupational therapists. To enable co-ordination of care for each child, the neuromuscular team communicates with other involved community partners such as schools, Community Care Access Centres, other medical facilities and government agencies.