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Safety network spares 25,000 children from harm

Holland Bloorview contributes to 25,000 children spared from harm within children’s hospital patient and employee safety network

Holland Bloorview is a proud member of Solutions for Patient Safety (SPS), an unparalleled children’s hospital patient and employee safety network, working ambitiously and collaboratively to eliminate pediatric harm events. SPS recently announced that the network has reached the prestigious milestone of 25,000 children spared from serious harm since its inception in 2009.

“We are so pleased to be part of the SPS Network,” says Joanne Maxwell, interim lead, experience, transformation and social accountability at Holland Bloorview. “Through SPS and our commitment to Caring Safely, we are learning, together with our pediatric health care colleagues, the most effective ways to keep children and youth safe from harm. Our recent achievement in having more than 80 per cent of all staff participate in error prevention education is a testament to our determination to foster a culture of safety and keep everyone safe from harm.”

“We have trained over 80 per cent of staff in error prevention education,” notes Rebecca Heersink, interim director, quality, safety and performance, Holland Bloorview. “The number of staff entering safety events each month has increased by 25 per cent when we compare to the same time period last year. In addition, we have implemented an organizational daily safety brief since September 2023 to ensure safety is top of mind in everything we do.”  

Joanne Downing, a family as faculty (trained non-staff, parent of a client) reflects on her involvement in the error prevention training. “I led numerous training sessions for staff, clinical and non-clinical, over the past nine months. The objective was to instill the understanding that ‘safety is everyone’s responsibility.’ The breakthrough came when participants realized how the training and the error prevention tools could be applied in everyone’s daily responsibilities, regardless of their roles.”

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Aligned with our HB2030 strategic plan, Holland Bloorview is dedicated to caring safely and strive for zero harm across the hospital. For more information, visit our Caring Safely webpage.


About Solutions for Patient Safety

Solutions for Patient Safety (SPS) is a network of more than 140 children’s hospitals from the United States and Canada. The SPS network’s efforts have spared more than 25,000 children from serious harm and saved an estimated $510.4 million. The hospitals in the network share information and data regularly to learn best practices that are then spread across the network and shared publicly on the network’s website along with the network’s results. Read more