We are excited to announce that Iveta Lewis, manager of the health sciences library and archives at Holland Bloorview, has been named the recipient of the 2023 Joan Leishman Award of Merit for Excellence in Health Science Information.
Iveta was presented with the prestigious award on December 1st at the annual general meeting for the Health Science Information Consortium (HSIC). Established in 1996, the award is named in honour of Joan Leishman’s accomplishments in health science librarianship, including her appointment in 1990 as the Consortium’s first executive director. The award is presented annually to a Consortium library staff member who has contributed to the advancement of health care through health science information services.
Iveta has received significant praise over the years from her fellow colleagues for her achievements.
“Iveta has worked tirelessly throughout her career to advocate for librarians, libraries, and the institutions that support them,” says Daphne Horn, manager of library and archives for the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. “She has demonstrated truly outstanding leadership and made significant contributions to the hospitals she has worked at, and to the Toronto Medical Library Community.”
Since joining the Holland Bloorview team in 2020, Iveta has made a tremendous impact on many people. Golda Milo-Manson, vice-president of medicine and academic affairs at Holland Bloorview, reflects upon how important Iveta is to the hospital:
“Iveta has been recognized by our many trainees, especially those in our research institute for her teaching. She has also been recognized by families who go to our library searching for information to help them in their journey. Lastly, she is loved by the staff with whom she collaborates to ensure they have the most up-to-date evidence to guide their decision making in practice.”
As the library manager, Iveta plays an important role in securing and organizing the educational resources needed for us to continue providing care transformed by research and education, a key driver for the 2030 vision outlined in the hospital’s strategic plan.
We spoke with Iveta to learn more about her role as library manager, her career journey and her accomplishments.
What is your role at Holland Bloorview, and what attracted you to work here?
I have been in the library and information industry for over 25 years, and in health sciences specifically for over 16 years.
My role allows me to combine my experience working with children with my expertise in building literature search strategies. I have the privilege of working with researchers, scientists and students to connect them to the scientific literature they need to advance their work. Helping clients is a big passion of mine, and working in the Family Resource Centre has been a fantastic experience for me, as it inspires me to create workshops to further support their needs.
How do you feel about receiving this prestigious recognition, and what does the award mean to you personally and professionally?
In addition to my current role at Holland Bloorview, receiving the Joan Leishman Award represents the pinnacle of my career. I’m incredibly honoured to be recognized for striving to do my best work every day. Receiving this award also shows how dreams can come true if you work hard and seize opportunities when they arise. I’m very grateful for everything my career journey has had to offer so far.
At Holland Bloorview, how do you foster an inclusive and accessible environment for library users, especially for individuals with diverse abilities and needs?
Since I started here, I have worked extensively to support the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility and Anti-racism (IDEAA) program, making our resource centre an available space to host IDEAA events. Our team has also been working on a collection for children's books on diversity and inclusion, and in 2022, we partnered with IDEAA to prepare a Black History Month reading in the library.
Above all, our library is emblematic of what I envision as a library of the future. Integrating the library with the Family Resource Centre creates an inclusive, collaborative space. For instance, when clients from the resource centre request support, the library can provide assistance in an instant.
Libraries are evolving in the digital age. How have you integrated technology and digital resources to enhance the library experience for both staff and clients at Holland Bloorview?
For evidence-based research, we have implemented the latest major electronic databases to support our researchers. We also teach staff how to use our suite of digital tools through customized workshops. Additionally, we have simplified the design of the library website for easier access and navigation.
How do you plan to use this recognition to make a positive impact through your work at Holland Bloorview?
I feel that there’s still a lot of room to make an impact, and this recognition motivates me to do more for Holland Bloorview. My goal is to fully integrate the library services with all of our programs at the hospital to support the needs of staff, clients and families. I am thrilled to partner with the communications team to strategize on the marketing and promotion of our library services. I am also in contact with research labs across the hospital to endorse and promote their work in our library. Overall, I feel there are lots of opportunities available to enhance the library experience for both staff and clients.
What’s one thing that people might find surprising about you?
I love non-fiction. I marvel over the extraordinary stories of ordinary people, especially when reading about what they have accomplished emotionally, physically and intellectually in spite of their hardships. I love reading autobiographies, and crave listening to podcasts about anything related to psychology.
Is there anything else you would like to share about your experiences, achievements, or your work at Holland Bloorview?
I have met many teachers on my journey, and I continue to learn every day at Holland Bloorview. I feel grateful and privileged to be here at a place where there is so much appreciation and recognition for our amazing team. I want to thank everyone at the hospital for this award, so please stop by and say hello to me in the library!
We would like to congratulate Iveta for her well-deserved achievement, and are looking forward to celebrating her continued success at Holland Bloorview!
About the Health Sciences Library
One of the nine teaching hospital libraries of the University of Toronto, the library at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital is also part of the Health Science Information Consortium of Toronto. Library facilities and services are available to staff, physicians and students of Holland Bloorview, as well as to parents and families of children and young adults registered at the hospital.
For more information about Holland Bloorview’s Health Sciences Library and the Grocery Foundation Resource Centre, please visit here.
To learn more about the Joan Leishman Award of Merit for Excellence in Health Science Information, please visit the HISC website.