As part of the continued labour action taken by the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) and other school boards across the province, the Bloorview School Authority (BSA) will be impacted by the rotating strikes, as determined by the ETFO.
Impacted day(s) include:
- February 21, 2020
The labour action planned for February 21 will impact all students in public schools across the province. As such, the BSA will be closed to all students on that day. Transportation will also be cancelled.
Parents and guardians of BSA students are strongly encouraged to make alternate arrangements for your children prior to the strikes when the BSA with be closed.
Therapy during strike
Scheduled therapy treatment will continue to be available at the hospital during the strike. For elementary school day-patients, parents are responsible for transportation and supervision between appointments.
If you would like to confirm the time of your child’s scheduled therapies or would like to rebook an appointment, please contact appointment services at 416-424-3823.
What does this mean for Holland Bloorview inpatients and day-patients?
To support in-patients and day patients impacted by the strike, we are seeking opportunities to enhance recreational programming during times they would normally be in school.
Stay informed
Information related to the Bloorview School Authority’s participation in labour action is available at BloorviewSchool.ca and our Twitter accounts (@BloorviewSchool and @HBKidsHospital).
We do not anticipate any disruption to hospital services during this period.