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Image of a young adult wearing a grey t-shirt and standing behind a mobility device with their arm around another adult
EMBARK: Holland Bloorview launches new program to further Black scholars’ careers in childhood disability research

Holland Bloorview is proud to launch a new program to propel Black scholars’ careers in disability research.

Called EMBARK (Empowering Black Academics, Researchers and Knowledge creators), the ground-breaking program – the only one of its kind in Canada – aims to fill a crucial gap in amplifying diverse Black voices in disability research.

“Researchers from Black communities often face systemic barriers in advancing their research careers beyond the post-doctoral level, to secure faculty appointments,” says Dr. Tom Chau, vice president of research. “Not only does this mean we lack Black voices in research and science who can guide diverse students, but we also miss out on their diverse perspectives, which can lead to better science and new possibilities for children with disabilities. This program aims to address the barriers that Black scholars face, and sets them up for successful academic and research careers.”

This program is launched in partnership with the Black Research Network (BRN), an Institutional Strategic Initiative at the University of Toronto. “We are delighted to partner with the Bloorview Research Institute on this transformational program,” says Beth Coleman, director of the BRN. “When you have more diverse voices in research, you ask better questions, you propose different solutions, you introduce new perspectives, and you create better science.”

In partnership with the Black Research Network, up to two EMBARK scholars will have the following support  with an anticipated start date of January 2, 2023:

  • Start-up funds for their research
  • Principle investigator status
  • Access to advisors from a diverse range of backgrounds
  • Connections to networks and career support
  • Media profiling to build their personal brands

Qualified candidates can apply on Holland Bloorview’s Career website at