Going above and beyond in shaping the next generation of researchers, scientists and clinicians
It is Bloorview’s Research Institute Trainee Executive (BRITE) tradition to honour trainees and supervisors going above and beyond shaping the next generation of researchers, scientists, and clinicians. Each individual successfully displayed Holland Bloorview’s values in their day-to-day work.
The four awards are (1) Excellence in Peer Mentorship, (2) Excellence in Trainee Supervision, (3) Excellence in Research Collaborations and (4) Excellence in Trainee Support.
Excellence in Peer Mentorship- Brandon Rufino
This is awarded to someone who has a proven track record in teaching and learning, by providing meaningful contributions to drive growth in teamwork and research.
Brandon Rufino, is an exemplary Master student. He is a mentor and educator, working every day to encourage, motivate, and share his knowledge with his peers to improve their research skills.
Excellence in Trainee Supervision- Dr. Jessica Brian
The excellence in Trainee Supervision is awarded to a supervisor who champions the development of research skills in their trainee. Instilling high scientific standards and quality of research skills.
Dr. Jessica Brian motivates, teaches, and supports her trainees. She works to provide her students with the necessary skills to be successful in research.
Excellence in Research Collaborations- Daniela Chan- Viquez
Excellence in Research Collaboration demonstrates values and appreciation for collaborations across diverse groups. Working to foster connections with international universities, families, and research teams.
Daniela Chan- Viquez continuously seeks opportunities to bring innovative technologies developed in the PEARL lab to individuals living in remote areas or where access to clinicians is not always possible. She is always ensuring all families and participants have the chance to engage with therapy systems developed.
Excellence in Trainee Support- Joanne Wincentak
This award represents the integral role a research staff member provides in trainee development; by sharing knowledge, leading by example, and reflecting Holland Bloorview’s values.
Joanne Wincentak strengthens learning by always making herself available to lead workshops and events for trainees, while also providing support. She always shows enthusiasm and creativity when working with trainees.
Thank you to everyone who finds ways to encourage and support the growth of knowledge through being a leader.