Are we really from a different planet?
Editor's note: No, this piece is not related to my Facebook post about my "bad day" today. It happened a few days ago. But I couldn't get it out of my mind. And I thought you might find it interesting. Louise
I bought an instrument for my son a couple of years ago but had trouble finding a teacher and it remained largely in the box.
My son took it out the other day for a little jam session and I thought I'd look again for an instructor.
I got some great recommendations on Facebook. Then I went online and found what looked like a really cool organization that offered lessons on this instrument to all age levels, privately, in school, in groups and even as part of corporate team-building. They hold all kinds of regular jam sessions open to anyone at venues that sound really fun. Even I was getting psyched at the idea of showing up one night. This is what I would call a high-profile group of musicians. In their signature, they use this tagline: "democratizing the arts, one strum at a time."
So I filled out their query form. See below.
Hi there -- Can you recommend a teacher who may have had experience working with children or adults with disabilities? I would like to find someone to teach my son and I. Thanks.
I really wish I could be of help, but I don't know anyone who might be a fit for you and your son. Best of luck with your search.
Hi -- thanks for your message. It doesn't necessarily need to be someone who has worked with someone with a disability. Just someone willing to try something new? Thanks.
If this group is unable to interest an instructor in "giving it a whirl," or to suggest someone in the industry who might be able to "stretch" themselves just a tad, who would? I'm a realistic person. I know sometimes things work and sometimes they don't. All I was asking for was a chance. A paid chance. So much for democracy.