Supporting the cultural practice of smudging for Indigenous employees and client families
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital (Holland Bloorview) is pleased to announce the implementation of a new smudging policy to support the practice of a smudging ceremony for Indigenous employees, clients and families.
Smudging is a traditional ceremony for many Indigenous cultures and involves the burning of one or more of the four sacred medicines, sage, cedar, sweet grass and tobacco.
“The purpose of the smudging policy is to enable culturally and spiritually appropriate care for Indigenous families; to familiarize staff with an understanding and appreciation for this cultural and spiritual practice and to create and strengthen a respectful environment where everyone can participate,” says Irene Andress, vice president, programs and services & chief nursing executive. “Co-designing care with clients and families and recognizing the practice of a smudging ceremony aligns with our strategic priority to advance care that’s agile and socially accountable.”
Holland Bloorview is committed to providing holistic and culturally safe care for clients and families. The creation of this smudging policy is one of several recommendations made in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action report to improve health outcomes for Indigenous children and families.
For more information, contact IDEAA office.