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clients together celebrating accessibility week
Celebrating National AccessAbility Week at Holland Bloorview

National AccessAbility Week (NAAW) is taking place between May 31 to June 6, 2020, bringing awareness to accessibility and inclusion in our communities, celebrating the contributions of Canadians with disabilities and recognizing the efforts of everyone who worked hard and still working tirelessly to remove every barrier possible to ensure inclusion and equal chance of participation for people with disabilities. 

As Canada’s largest rehabilitation hospital for children and youth with disabilities, we are proud to join the millions of people living with a disability across our country to celebrate the progress that has been made toward the creation of a barrier-free Canada. 

The Accessible Canada Act is Canada’s first federal legislation on accessibility. The bill received Royal Assent on June 21, 2019, pledging a barrier-free Canada by 2040.

“At Holland Bloorview, we strive to do our part to enhance the world we live in so our kids and youth have the chance to live a life where equity and inclusion are part of the process, where accessibility is an inherit part of every aspect of the world around them,” says Meenu Sikand, Holland Bloorview’s executive lead, equity, diversity, and inclusion. “People living with disabilities have so much to contribute to society but are often faced with barriers and stigma that prevent them from reaching their full potential. NAAW is a week to celebrate, but also to shed light on the inequities that persist and the work that is still much needed toward achieving accessibility for all.” 

At Holland Bloorview, everything we do for and with our clients and families is planned with an equity, diversity and inclusion lens. Whether we encourage our youth to participate in employment opportunities to build their skills through initiatives like Project Search or build a fully accessible state-of-the-art MRI Suite, our goal is to make the community we live in is accessible to everyone who lives in it and empower people with disabilities to reach their full potential.

Even our COVID-19 response efforts have been based on inclusivity and equity to all our stakeholders and that includes some initiatives led by our Foundation, such as doubling the Family Support Fund to support our families in need during this challenging time and actively advocating for the rights of people with disability during the pandemic.

To commemorate NationalAccessAbility Week, we will be sharing stories on our Twitter feed every day that showcase Holland Bloorview’s important achievements creating a world of possibility for kids and youth with disabilities.