Snoezelen Room and Pool available to access!
The Snoezelen room and the community Snoezelen pool are both now available for external fee-for-service programming.
What is Snoezelen?
Snoezelen rooms are artificially engineered spaces that use music, lighting, gentle vibrations, tactile sensations and aromatherapy. Users can relax and choose activities at their own pace.
The word Snoezelen is taken from two Dutch words: snufflen meaning to seek out or to explore, and doezelen meaning to relax or to be in a wonderful place. Snoezelen originated in the Netherlands nearly 45 years ago as a leisure experience for adults with severe disabilities.
The room can be relaxing or stimulating depending on one’s sensory needs. It can encourage social skills and heighten sensory awareness.
Holland Bloorview has integrated the Snoezelen experience in a variety of areas in the hospital:
- the Community Snoezelen Room (available)
- the Community Snoezelen Pool (available)
- the inpatient Snoezelen room
- Snoezelen cart for Complex Continuing Care inpatients
Holland Bloorview also supports Snoezelen education and outreach locally and beyond.