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Two dads adopt a son with autism

Here is the first video in A Family Like Mine, a new BLOOM series covering diverse families raising children with disabilities.

Meet Rob and Dave, two dads who adopted a son with autism.

“We have a nephew with special needs and we’ve seen what they’ve had to go through and fight for,” Dave says. “We thought it was the right thing to do.”

Initially their son was fascinated with the movement of trains, doors, locks and washing machines, but as he’s grown comfortable with his new family, his ‘stimming’ behaviours have faded. He’s doing well at school after receiving behavioural intervention (IBI) therapy.

Rob and Dave wondered whether having gay dads would be challenging for a kid who already had autism, but he’s thrived.

You may remember this BLOOM post Rob wrote about their adoption. This video will be captioned this week. Hope you enjoy!