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Broader Public Sector: Energy Reporting and Conservation and Demand Management

On January 1, 2019, the Green Energy Act, 2009 was repealed, along with its regulations. Select conservation and energy efficiency initiatives, such as the BPS energy reporting regulation, were moved to the Electricity Act, 1998.

O. Reg. 397/11 (Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plans) was replaced by O. Reg. 507/18 (Broader Public Sector: Energy Reporting and Conservation and Demand Management Plans).

No changes were made to the regulation when it was replaced and Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital is compliant.

Since July 1, 2014, each BPS organization has been required to post an energy conservation and demand management plan outlining how the organization will reduce energy consumption for a 5 year period.

This plan was updated for July 1, 2019

In addition to reporting these items to the Ministry, each BPS organization must post annual energy consumption data on the organization’s corporate website as well as make it available in hard copy at the head office.

Public reporting is available on the Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital website.

Data is submitted annually as required. See below.


Reports by year

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